Explore UAB

The Physics Major

A teacher talks to two female students in a classrom next two a computer and many components.

UAB’s B.S. degree in physics is designed to prepare students for research in private sector and national labs, high-tech STEM careers, professional degree and graduate degree programs, and teaching careers.

As a recognition of the success of our major, the department won American Physical Society’s (APS) 2023 Improving Undergraduate Physics Education Award. Our program was chosen as a role model for liberal arts colleges for improving the educational experiences of undergraduate students. This national award recognizes our continuing success of recruiting a high number of physics majors, the research opportunities provided by our faculty, and our numerous major tracks that prepare students for a wide range of career paths.

The department offers a flexible experience for students, allowing them to choose courses geared to their specific interests. 

For students interested in preparation for advanced graduate degrees in physics or mathematics, careers in industry, jobs requiring computational expertise, or pursuits in biomedical fields, the department offers focused concentrations (tracks) in their area of choice:

Learn more about job opportunities for Physics graduates

Honors Program

The Physics Honors Program offers students from all five tracks enhanced opportunities to develop the research, problem-solving and communication skills necessary to excel in a scientific career. By designing, describing, and defending a research project, the honors graduate will have a documented capacity for success in graduate school or in any career where scientific critical thinking, motivation, and accomplishment are valued.

The goal of the Physics Honors Program is to train capable undergraduates for uncommon accomplishment in academic research. The new physics honors graduate will have documented experience and productivity commonly found in second- or third-year graduate students. Ideally, the research project will result in publication and presentation at a national conference, giving the honors graduate strong credentials for graduate or medical/professional school, industrial research, science writing, or teaching. Contacts made through publication and conferences and informed references written by mentor and committee members give the honors graduate a significant edge in the job market. The successful honors student will be recognized at the UAB Honors Convocation and will graduate “With Honors in Physics.”

For additional information on the program, read the Eligibility & Requirements page in the Undergraduate Catalog or contact the Undergraduate Physics Program Director, Dr. Renato P. Camata.

Course Catalog

A complete list of program requirements, courses, and a proposed four-year program of study for physics majors are available in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog.

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