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Yue Wu.

Assistant Professor and Visiting Scholaryuewu@uab.edu
Campbell Hall 202D

Research Interests: Behaviorally based injury research and prevention, technology supported intervention


  • B.S., Central South University, China, Public Health
  • M.S., Central South University, China, Occupational and Environmental Health
  • Ph.D., Central South University, China, Occupational and Environmental Health

After graduated from Central South University (CSU), Changsha, China, in 2001, I received Master’s and Doctoral education at CSU mentored by Dr. Jianan Hu, majoring in Occupational and Environmental Health.


My research is highly interdisciplinary. My doctoral dissertation studied the relationship between multiple heavy metals contamination and health hazards among industrial workers. Results reinforced the need for policy to create cumulative exposure limits to prevent lead poisoning among industrial workers.

My current research area is injury prevention. I have published widely on injury prevention both in China and the United States. My early research focused on assessment of injury burden from an epidemiological perspective, but I recently have become interested in conducting behaviorally-based injury research and prevention. From December 2017 through December 2018, I am working as a visiting scholar at UAB Youth Safety Lab under the mentorship of Dr. David Schwebel.