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Community Engagement: Partnering for Better Health

The CCTS fosters authentic collaborations between researchers and communities, creating opportunities for learning, trust-building, and shared research goals to accelerate health improvements for all.
CEI PerspectivesCEI SymposiumCCTS Bioethics Forum


Clifford Kennon, EdS, MPA, CPP
Program Director, Engagement of Communities

Community Engagement Institute

Community Engagement Institute

The Community Engagement Institute (CEI) fosters dialogue among scientists, citizens, and stakeholders to address health priorities in the Deep South. Through forums and events, CEI promotes collaboration on health equity, bringing together community organizations, researchers, and trainees.

Community and Scientific Action Board

Community and Scientific Action Board

The Community and Scientific Action Board (CSAB) guides community-engaged research for CSCH, CCTS, and other university programs. It was formed by merging JCCPB and OGC and supports research and program development.

Partner Network Community Coalition

Partner Network Community Coalition

The CCTS Partner Network crosses institutional boundaries to improve human health and healthcare delivery. This innovative partnership provides the foundation for addressing health disparities through collaborative research and training efforts.


Clifford Kennon, EdS, MPA, CPP
Program Director, Engagement of Communities