Explore UAB

The CCTS has created a supportive environment for clinical and translational research involving human subjects. Our cutting-edge capacities and coordinated expertise ensure safety and good clinical practice. Through the CCTS Clinical Support registration process, we tailor the following services to meet the individual needs of each investigator we assist. 

  • Fees and Registration

    The above clinical supports are fee-for-service. We work with investigators to ensure they only pay only for the amount of effort required. Access price lists here (BlazerID & login required). 

    To register for one or more clinical supports, please provide the following required information:

    • a completed Registration Form
    • Human Subjects Protocol - Approval may be pending. Send stamped approval form(s).
    • Consent Form(s) - Approval may be pending.  Send stamped consent form(s).
    • Protocol (Grant application, sponsor protocol, study group protocol)

    The CCTS Clinical Support registration form and accompanying documentation should be sent to cctsclinical@uab.edu.

Don't see what you need? Have an urgent request? Contact us at ccts@uab.edu or 205-934-7442.