Explore UAB


OnCore is a Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) that tracks protocols and participants through the life cycle of the protocol. Study calendars are built to track the progress of participants and data from the calendars is passed to the UAB billing units after study visits. OnCore offers financial management including coverage analysis, budgeting, tracking protocol milestones, invoicing, and the recording of sponsor payments. OnCore also has extensive built-in reporting features as well as custom reporting capabilities.

Which Protocols Require Study Team Management in OnCore?

  1. All industry-sponsored clinical trials
  2. All protocols that use the following CCTS Services: Clinical Research Unit (CRU) or Bionutrition
  3. All protocols with UAB Health System clinical billable procedures
  4. Protocols that do not meet criteria 1-3 may be entered at the discretion of the Principal Investigator (may be beneficial to study teams to enter some studies into OnCore).

Why do we want all this in OnCore?

  1. OnCore is integrated with the UAB research billing system and the coverage analysis provided by the Clinical Billing Review (CBR) team.
  2. OnCore is an important safeguard for billing compliance
  3. OnCore is critical for reporting data on accruals, protocols and is necessary for other reporting such as CCTS annual reporting and NCI reporting.
  4. OnCore data regarding protocols and subjects is sent to IMPACT and is an important patient safety component. PowerTrials and PowerPlans also depend on this data to function properly.
  5. OnCore data is critical for tracking internal study and research services.
  6. For units who use OnCore financial functionality, OnCore is necessary for complete and accurate billing to sponsors.

Data Integration Empowers Research

OnCore sends protocol and participant information to the UAB electronic health record (Cerner’s IMPACT) through PowerTrials. When a new participant is registered to a clinical trial in OnCore, their medical record in IMPACT is associated with the protocol and an indicator that the participant is on a study is displayed in the banner bar of their chart. Clinicians are now able to click on this link to view study information and relevant contact information for the principal investigator and study coordinator for the trial in the Research Summary.

Research summaries contain key information that is useful at the point of care and for clinical care providers who are treating participants enrolled in clinical trials. More than 470 protocols and their associated participants have been sent from OnCore to Cerner, and order sets (aka PowerPlans) to support study implementation are continually being built.

Please see the support page for contact information.

(Updated October 2021)