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  • Interprofessional Curriculum

2021 IP Symposium: Building Inclusive Environments Within Interprofessional Teams

The third annual IP Healthcare Symposium hosted by the Office of Interprofessional Curriculum (OIPC) was a great success, thanks to our wonderful speakers and attendees! This year’s symposium – Building Inclusive Environments Within Interprofessional Teams – had 63 people in attendance during the one-day event. A call for posters was sent out several weeks prior to the symposium, drawing cross-disciplinary projects that exemplified the very best in innovative Interprofessional teamwork. 

Bob Lujano Session 1: After a welcome from the UAB Provost (Dr. Pam Benoit) Mr. Bob Lujano gave a thoroughly engaging presentation, "How Interprofessional Teams can be Inclusive toward People with Disabilities." Where he highlighted the differing circumstances of individuals who have disabilities and how they add value to interprofessional teams.

Session 2: During a session for nine peer reviewed posters, presenters had created a short video describing their project, each followed by a Q&A session. The winner of the competition for the poster, that received the most votes from attendees, was “STEP Program: Staging Transition for Every Patient; A Multidisciplinary Medical Home for Young Adults with Medical Complexity” submitted and presented by Medical Student Emily Hooker.

Session 3: Dr. Nancy Wingo led a session  which demonstrated using Design Thinking in healthcare situations.

Janice Headshot A 1 of 1 288x300Session 4: Dr. Janice Palaganas closed out the day with “Whaddarya? Cultural Considerations in Learning Conversations and Interprofessional Education” an exploration of how stereotypes and preconceptions are barriers to effective teamwork.

Poster Competition Winner

STEP Program: Staging Transition for Every Patient; A Multidisciplinary Medical Home for Young Adults with Medical Complexity
Emily Hooker, MS21, Betsy Hopson, MHSA3,4, Emma Hyde, BA1, Brandon Rocque, MD, MS1, Carlie Stein Somerville, MD2 

1  UAB UAB Heersink School of Medicine
2  Department of Medicine
3  Department of Neurosurgery 
4  Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery

Thanks to our organizing committee:

Lynn Nichols, School of Nursing
Emily Simmons, UAB Medicine
Donna Slovensky, School of Health Professions
Kelley Swatzell, School of Public Health
Dawn Taylor Peterson, UAB Heersink School of Medicine
Candice Turner, School of Optometry
Allison Shorten, Director, OIPC, CIPES, School of Nursing
Penni Watts, Assistant Director, OIPC, CIPES, School of Nursing
Peter Bosworth, Program Manager, OIPC, CIPES
Shelly Camp, Administrator, OIPC, CIPES