UAB internal usage of the CEMF is itemized according to the schedule of fees below. The following are estimates for common services and use cases. Note that fees are billed as incurred and will vary among different samples and projects. External academic users add 50% and external non-academic users add 200% to these base rates.
Images and associated metadata will be uploaded to the UAB supercomputing cluster, Cheaha, for distribution via Globus. UAB labs may request project and long-term storage space from UAB Research Computing.
Example usage scenarios:
Negative stain sample screening
Purpose: Screening of four grids at room temperature using the Talos F200C to assess suitability of each for cryo-EM. Expect to prepare at least two room temperature grids per sample/condition.
SKU SERVICE RATE No. TOTAL F200C F200C microscope usage $55/hr 1.5 $82.5 TechAssist Specialist assistance (Time & Labor; per hour) $60/hr 2.0 $120 RegGrid Regular grid (carbon, formvar/carbon) $6/grid 4 $24 $226.5 -
Cryo-EM sample preparation
Purpose: Preparation of ten grids for storage, cryo-EM imaging using the Glacios 2, or shipment to an external facility. Expect to prepare three to four cryo grids per new sample/condition.
SKU SERVICE RATE No. TOTAL VitroUnAssist Vitrobot usage $50/session 1 $50 TechAssist Specialist assistance (Time & Labor; per hour) $60/hr 1 $60 CryoGrid Cryo-EM Holey Grid (Quantifoil, C-flat) $12/grid 10 $120 $230 -
Cryo-EM sample screening
Purpose: Imaging of ten grids using the Glacios 2 to determine ideal conditions and/or suitability for data collection.
SKU SERVICE RATE No. TOTAL Glacios2 Glacios 2 usage up to 8hrs per 24hrs (min. 3hrs) $60/session 4 $240 TechAssist Specialist assistance (Time & Labor; per hour) $60/hr 3 $180 AutoGrid Clip ring assembly for Glacios 2 sample loading $30/grid 10 $300 $720 -
Cryo-EM data collection
Purpose: Extended imaging following screening of ten grids up to 24hrs total on the Glacios 2 to collect a dataset for 3D reconstruction. Glacios 2 usage fees are capped at 8hrs per 24hr period.
SKU SERVICE RATE No. TOTAL Glacios2 Glacios 2 usage up to 8hrs per 24hrs (min. 3hrs) $60/hr, then $0/hr 20 $240 TechAssist Specialist assistance (Time & Labor; per hour) $60/hr 1 $60 -
Data processing
Purpose: Single particle 3D reconstruction of a cryo-EM dataset.
SKU SERVICE RATE No. TOTAL TechAssist Specialist assistance (Time & Labor; per hour) $60/hr 10 $600
Complete schedule of UAB internal user fees*
SKU SERVICE RATE No. TOTAL F200C F200C microscope usage $55/hr CrEMsurchg Cryo-EM surcharge (F200C only) $5/hr Glacios2 Glacios 2 usage up to 8hrs per 24hrs (min. 3hrs) $60/hr VitroUnAssist Vitrobot usage $50/session TechAssist Specialist assistance (Time & Labor; per hour) $60/hr RegGrid Regular grid (carbon, formvar/carbon) $6/grid CryoGrid Cryo-EM Holey Grid (Quantifoil, C-flat) $12/Grid CryoGridGold Cryo-EM Gold Holey Grid (UltrAuFoil) $20/Grid AutoGrid Clip ring assembly for TFS Glacios sample loading $30/grid MISC Misc. charges: cryo-buttons, forceps, etc. Per item
*External academic users add 50%, non-academic users add 200%