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Office: EB 241B
Ariel Gil 3Phone: (205) 934-9156
Email: agil@uab.edu

I am currently an Adjunct Instructor for the Graduate Degree Program for Teaching English as a Second Language at UAB. I am fluent in Spanish, Russian and English. I completed my undergraduate degree in Russian language studies at Havana University, Cuba. I hold a MA degree in TESOL and the teaching of Spanish from Columbia University's Teachers College, New York, and a PhD in Higher Education Administration and Leadership from Barry University in Florida. My dissertation focused on the perceptions of college professors toward the academic writing readiness of ESL students entering community colleges in the United States.

Since 1982, I have taught ESL and Bilingual Education courses at all educational levels in New York, Connecticut, Florida, and most recently Alabama. I joined the University of Alabama at Birmingham in March 2017 as the Associate Director for International Student Support at the Center for Teaching and Learning. I am also a Fulbright scholar.

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Ariel Gil's Curriculum Vitae