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Photo of students in exercise physiology lab

High achieving undergraduate students may pursue the Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's Program (ABM) in Kinesiology with a Concentration in Exercise Physiology (ABM-EPH). This program allows undergraduate students to take courses that will count toward their undergraduate and graduate programs. Once admitted, an ABM student can take up to 12 hours of approved 500/600-level graduate courses that will count toward their undergraduate and graduate degrees.

How it Works

Students may take up to 12 approved credit hours of graduate courses during their undergraduate degree, which will count towards their undergraduate and graduate degrees. Students may apply after completing 60 or more undergraduate course hours (36 of which must be completed at UAB).


Up to 12 credit hours can be counted towards completing both the student's B.S. degree and the completion of the M.S. degree. The following graduate courses are approved for credit sharing:

  • KIN 585: Advanced Exercise Testing and Prescription
  • KIN 639: Exercise Prescription for High-Risk Populations
  • KIN 640: Advanced Techniques in Conditioning the Athlete
  • KIN 641: Advanced Planning/Management of Fitness Facilities
  • KIN 645: Advanced Motor Development
  • KIN 649: Adapted Physical Education
  • KIN 672: Advanced Treatment of Athletic Injuries
  • KIN 674: Advanced Sports Nutrition

Requirements for Application

  • UAB Transcript*
  • ABM Form
  • Application Fee
  • Essay
  • Resume

*Uploaded by Graduate School Staff

Program Requirements

The student must arrange a meeting with their undergraduate and graduate advisors at the beginning of each semester to review their course selections and progress toward the degrees. The student must stick to the course study plan and maintain a good status while in the EPH-ABM program. To maintain a good status, the student must:

  • maintain a 3.0 GPA average in undergraduate E.S... courses
  • receive a B (or better) in graduate courses taken while still an undergraduate student
  • maintain full-time-student status at UAB (with exceptions for medical emergencies)

If any of the requirements are violated, the student will be withdrawn from the EPH-ABM program. If a student is withdrawn, they will retain credit for the courses already taken in the program, but no credit sharing will be allowed even if later the student enrolls in a graduate program in the Department of Human Studies. Once the undergraduate student has completed all course requirements for graduation, their undergraduate degree will be awarded.

Once the student graduates with a B.S., they continue to take additional course work to fulfill the degree requirements of their M.S. program. The M.S. degree will be awarded after those requirements.

For More Information

  • Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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High School

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Major Information

If you are a current student and wish to change your major, be sure to speak with your current advisor(s). Find your advisor(s) listed on your student profile page when you log in to BlazerNET.

Then you can change your major on BlazerNET. Find more information here.

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