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As a full-subscribing institution, UAB may conduct official and internal QM course reviews. These reviews are at no charge to the school/department/faculty. The following are details about the purpose of each QM review type.

On this page:

Official Course Reviews are designed to improve the quality of the design of online/blended courses, meet institutional goals, and demonstrate commitment to quality. QM official course reviews provide the Course Representative (CR) with feedback from three (3) reviewers including an external reviewer and a Subject Matter Expert. Courses that successfully meet the QM Rubric Standards in an official course review are eligible for QM recognition and carry the QM Certification Mark. In addition, these courses are listed on the Courses Currently QM-Certified webpage and the UAB QM Certified Courses webpage

If your course is blended/hybrid, review the Guidelines for Quality Matters Official Course Reviews for Blended/Hybrid Courses for recommendations for a successful review.

To get started, please review the process below or download a pdfprintable version of the Official Course Review process. Then, submit a request for a QM Official Review when ready. If you have questions, please email qualitymatters@uab.edu.

Request a QM Official Review 


  • Prepare for the Review

    The instructor (with the assistance of their Instructional Designer or eLearning Support as needed) must take the following steps to prepare for a QM official course review.

    1. Request that the course be copied into a sandbox. Name the course QM Official Course Review for Course Prefix with Course Code (for example: QM Official Course Review for PY 115). NOTE: Live courses with students will not be reviewed.
    2. Delete all Available From and Until dates from assignments, discussions, quizzes, etc. to ensure the reviewer has access to course assessments.
    3. Remove any module pre-requisites that could prevent access to a later module.
    4. If using a 3rd party site that requires login information, contact the publisher (or software) representative to request login information for the reviewer. Provide the code(s) in the form below.
    5. If using a 3rd party site that is integrated with Canvas (MindTap, etc.), set up the course and integrate it with your Canvas sandbox as you would for any other semester.
    6. If using an access code for exams, provide the code(s) in the form below.
  • Review Submission: (1-4 weeks)
    1. Course Representative completes the QM Course Review Request Form.
    2. QM Coordinator submits and processes a Course Review Application in MyQM.
    3. QM sends the Course Worksheet to the Course Representative.
      View the guidance on completing the Course Worksheet for recommended verbiage.
    4. Course Representative completes and submits the Course Worksheet in MyQM.
    5. QM Coordinator reviews and approves the Course Worksheet. Note: The QM Coordinator will contact the Course Representative if additional information is needed prior to approving the Course Worksheet.
    6. QM Coordinator selects the QM Review Team (one (1) External Reviewer, at least one (1) Subject Matter Expert (SME), one (1) Master Reviewer/Chair).
  • Pre-Review: (1 week)
    1. QM Coordinator provides course information & login information to the Master Reviewer/Chair.
    2. Master Reviewer/Chair schedules Pre-Review call with the Review Team. 
    3. Mandatory Pre-Review conference call held with QM Reviewers and Course Representative. 
  • Active Review: (3-4 weeks)
    1. Reviewers actively review the course – submit scores and recommendations/feedback in MyQM.
    2. Chair corresponds with Course Representative if any questions arise during the review.

    Please Note:

    • Since many of the Quality Matters specific standards assess alignment with the learning objectives, a review cannot be completed if measurable course and module objectives are not present. If the course objectives are mandated by the school and cannot be changed by the instructor, the module objectives will be used for the review. If the module objectives are also not measurable, the review will be suspended until the objectives have been revised. QM defines measurable course objectives as those that “precisely and clearly describe what learners will learn and be able to do if they successfully complete the course. Course objectives or competencies describe desired learner mastery using terms "that are specific and observable enough to be measured by the instructor.” Learning objectives begin with an action verb and complete the sentence, “Upon completion of this course (or module, for module objectives), the students will be able to…”
    • The course is to be reviewed in the state it is in when submitted. There should be no changes to the course shell during the review. Changes should not occur until feedback is provided to the instructor at the conclusion of the review. The Reviewers will not make changes in the course.
  • Post-Review: (Up to 14 Weeks)
    1. Mandatory Post-Review conference call held QM Reviewers only (not the Course Representative).
    2. QM notifies the Course Representative of the decision – Meets or Does Not Meet Expectations.
      1. If course meets expectations: (1 week)
        1. QM provides their logo to be added to the course indicating that the course is QM Certified.
        2. The QM Coordinator provides statement for Course Representative to add to the course Syllabus and/or Getting Started/Start Here module to provide an explanation for the students of what it means for a course to be QM Certified.
        3. Course Representative accesses Final Report by logging into the Course Review Management System (CRMS).
        4. Course Representative submits the Review Outcome Response Form indicating that he/she has been informed that the course met QM Standards.
        5. QM Coordinator notifies Associate Dean and Department/Program Chair that the course has been QM Certified.
        6. Course recognized on QM and Office of Learning Technologies websites.
      2. If course does not yet meet expectations: (Up to 14 weeks)
        1. Course Representative submits the Review Outcome Response Form indicating he/she has been informed that the course does not meet QM Standards.
        2. Instructor (and/or ID) make changes to the course.
        3. Course Representative edits the Amendment Form once changes have been made.
        4. Chair approves revisions and responds to the Course Representative.
        5. QM notifies Course Representative that the course is certified.
        6. See steps in section 2a above.

QM Internal Course Reviews are designed to improve the quality of the design of online courses, meet institutional goals, demonstrate commitment to quality, and/or prepare online courses for a QM official course review. QM internal course reviews are conducted by a UAB individual who received training on the QM Rubric Standards. The Course Representative receives feedback from the review and may work with an Instructional Designer to incorporate the feedback.

To get started, please review the process below or download a pdfprintable version of the Internal Course Review process. Then, submit a request for a QM Internal Review when ready. If you have questions, please email qualitymatters@uab.edu.

Request a QM Internal Course Review 


  • Prepare for the Review

    The instructor (with Instructional Design Support as needed) must take the following steps to prepare for an Internal Review.

    1. Request that the course be copied into a sandbox. Name the course QM Internal Course Review for Course Prefix with Course Code (for example: QM Internal Course Review for PY 115). NOTE: Live courses with students will not be reviewed.
    2. Delete all Available From and Until dates from assignments, discussions, quizzes, etc. to ensure the reviewer has access to course assessments.
    3. Remove any module pre-requisites that could prevent access to a later module.
    4. If using a 3rd party site that requires login information, contact the publisher (or software) representative to request login information for the reviewer. Provide the code(s) in the form below.
    5. If using a 3rd party site that is integrated with Canvas (MindTap, etc.), set up the course and integrate it with your Canvas sandbox as you would for any other semester.
    6. If using an access code for exams, provide the code(s) in the form below.
    7. Any technical issues with third-party vendors should be worked out directly between the vendor and the Course Representative (Instructor, school Instructional Designer, school Canvas Administrator). The informal QM Reviewer is not responsible for addressing technical support issues.
  • Request an Internal Review
    1. Complete the QM Course Review Request Form. 
    2. The course is to be reviewed in the state it is in when submitted. There should be no changes to the course shell once the form has been submitted or during the review unless specifically requested by the UAB QM Coordinator or the Reviewer (usually to update the objectives prior to the review or to provide access to locked content). Any other changes should not occur until feedback is provided to the instructor at the conclusion of the review. The Reviewers will not make changes in the course. eLearning Instructional Designers are available to consult with the instructor after the review period to address recommended changes. 
  • Review
    1. One of the UAB QM Coordinators will review the course and module learning objectives and provides feedback on whether the review can proceed or if changes are needed. 
      Since many of the Quality Matters specific standards assess alignment with the learning objectives, a review cannot be completed if measurable course and module objectives are not present. If the course objectives are mandated by the school and cannot be changed by the instructor, the module objectives will be used for the review. If the module objectives are also not measurable, the review will be suspended until the objectives have been revised. 

      QM defines measurable course objectives as those that “precisely and clearly describe what learners will learn and be able to do if they successfully complete the course. Course objectives or competencies describe desired learner mastery using terms that are specific and observable enough to be measured by the instructor.” Learning objectives begin with an action verb and complete the sentence, “Upon completion of this course (or module, for module objectives), the students will be able to…” 
    2. Once the course is ready for review, the UAB QM Coordinator assigns the review to a reviewer and provides access to the sandbox course and the completed Internal QM Review Form.  
    3. During the review, the Reviewer ID contacts the instructor with questions if needed. 
    4. The Reviewer ID completes the review (using the self-review tool in MyQM) within 3 weeks of assignment and sends the results (using the self-review tool) to QM Coordinator. 
  • Post-Review
    1. The Reviewer emails the review report pdf to the instructor. The instructor decides what changes to make, if any.
    2. If desired by the instructor, one 30-minute meeting will be scheduled with the instructor, the Reviewer, and a UAB QM Coordinator to discuss the recommendations. After this meeting, the review is closed, and it is up to the instructor to determine which changes are to be made to the course.
    3. If an instructor would like further assistance updating a course to meet QM standards, the instructor should submit an Instructional Design request to work with an eLearning Instructional Designer to update the course.
    4. After making the changes, if you would like to submit your course for an Official Review to obtain certification, please submit the QM Review Request Form.

What Kind of Course Access does the Review Team Need?

Because the review team will be reviewing the course from the student perspective, team members will be provided student-level access in a course sandbox course shell. For purposes of protecting the confidentiality of student information, reviews will be conducted in a sandbox Canvas course rather than a live course. Submit a request for a sandbox

QM only reviews the design of the course, and reviewers will not be provided the ability to review student activity or information or to have any contact with students in any course submitted for review. The UAB QM Coordinators will provide access to the QM review team ensuring confidentiality guidelines are followed.

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