The Office of Learning Technologies, in collaboration with other units across campus, offers an exciting and informative series of workshops primarily focused on online and hybrid/blended course design and teaching, Universal Design for Learning, and Teaching Tools (Learning Technologies). Attendance in Learning Technologies workshops can earn you one or both Learning Technologies Certificates: Online Design and Teaching Certificate and Teaching Tools Certificate.
Register for Current Workshops Below
Group/Departmental Training
Schedule a training/workshop for your group or department. We are glad to customize any of our workshops to meet your needs.
Online Design and Teaching
ODT workshops focus on course design, including developing assessments, activities, and instructional materials. Participants are encouraged to have course objectives already developed before attending these workshops as activities will involve developing materials for an upcoming or existing course.
Upcoming Workshops
Quality Matters
Quality Matters (QM)™ is a faculty-centered, peer review process that is designed to certify the quality of online and hybrid/blended courses. QM is a leader in quality assurance for online education and has received international recognition for its peer-based approach and continuous improvement in online education and student learning.
Upcoming Workshops
Student Workshop Series
Teaching Tools
Teaching Tools workshops cover new and existing academic technologies approved by UAB. These technologies are available to UAB faculty, students, and staff for academic use. These workshops are offered on campus and online throughout the year.
Upcoming Workshops
Universal Design for Learning
UDL is a set of principles for curriculum development that focuses on providing equal learning opportunities for all individuals. Workshops explore UDL concepts and how to apply them.
Upcoming Workshops
Archived Workshops
UAB eLearning has recorded each virtual workshop and archived them so that faculty can watch at their own pace and share with other instructors.
Click here to access archived eLearning WorkshopsInstructors can also subscribe to our Archived Channel to receive email notifications when new videos are uploaded.