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The Instructional Technology team is here to help faculty with their Canvas needs. Click the desired request button below. Please allow at least 24-48 hours processing time for all requests.

Note: Requests may take up to five days to be processed during the first two weeks of the semester.

Add/Remove User(s)

Add/Remove User(s)

Request that an authorized user, such as a Teaching Assistant, Supplemental Instruction Leader, or Course Designer be added to your Canvas course.

Course Cross-Listing

Course Cross-Listing

Request that students from one or more Canvas course sections be loaded into a single Canvas course.

Course Copy

Course Copy

Request that all or select content be copied from one course to another.

Sandbox Course Request

Sandbox Course Request

A Sandbox course can be used to explore new features and set up future course content, etc.

Incomplete Course

Incomplete Course

Request that an Incomplete Course be created for students who have received an incomplete.

Canvas Announcement

Canvas Announcement

Request that an announcement for your event or unit be placed in Canvas.

Course Template Request

Course Template Request

Instructors can request to have all or specific components of the Learning Technologies course template to be placed into their Canvas course

Resource Course Request

Resource Course Request

A resource course can be used to share materials, content, and resources with faculty, staff, and students in a not-for-credit course.


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