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Welcome to the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) State Authorization website.

SREB - State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements logo.Information about State Authorization

The States and Territories Listing below provides information on each state regarding status of state authorization, programs available (with any current restrictions), and complaint information. The the Office of Learning Technologies at UAB is working with all campus departments to allow students from all states to enroll in our online programs. Progress is ongoing and will be updated regularly on this website.

National Council for State Authoriztion Reciprocity Agreements Approved Institution.

UAB Complaint Process

UAB strives to ensure that all students, whether face-to-face or online, have access to information regarding the university's complaint process. To view this process, visit the Complaint Process page.

UAB State Authorization Contact

UAB Office of Learning Technologies

Phone: (205) 934-7217

Email: uabstateauth@uab.edu

UAB is a SARA Institution

Alabama is a member of NC-SARA (National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements) and UAB is an approved SARA institution. For students, the SARA initiative seeks to provide greater access to academic programs, lead to better resolution of student complaints, increase the quality of distance education, and increase opportunities for student clinicals, practicums, and internships outside of Alabama. View the States and Territories Listing to see how UAB is authorized in your state.

States and Territories Listing

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Internationally Located Students Interested In UAB Programs Enrollment If you are an internationally located student, please read this information.

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