Explore UAB

M. Watkins

If I could speak to anyone considering the CEM program, I would say that a rewarding adventure awaits you.” It can be a humbling and challenging experience, but every step along the way will become well worth the journey. I recently found my dream job with a local general contractor and I found a new (alumni) family within the CEM program.

The CEM degree is not just a piece of paper, it represents the knowledge that I have obtained that will change my life forever. I am confident that I now have the necessary skills that gives me a competitive edge to lead, communicate, visualize, and problem solve.

M. Watkins

If I could speak to anyone considering the CEM program, I would say that a rewarding adventure awaits you.” It can be a humbling and challenging experience, but every step along the way will become well worth the journey. I recently found my dream job with a local general contractor and I found a new (alumni) family within the CEM program.