The UAB School of Engineering is a vibrant and vital part of many collaborative activities at the university. There are UAB Engineering faculty and students all across campus working in a number of research labs, centers, and offices. The school has six primary locations.

Hoehn Engineering Building (HOEN)
Main Administration Building
Hoehn houses the Dean's office, which includes:
- Office of Academic Programs
- Development and External Relations
- Engineering Alumni Relations
- Office of Research
- Financial and Grants Management
- Information Engineering and Management Program Office
It also houses two departments:
Department of Biomedical Engineering
- administrative and faculty offices
- classrooms
- laboratories
Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
- administrative and faculty offices
- Construction Management program office
- classrooms
- student computer laboratories
1075 13th Street South
Birmingham, AL 35233
(205) 934-8400

Education-Engineering Complex (EEC)
The EEC houses four departments:
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- administrative and faculty offices
- laboratories
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
- administrative and faculty offices
- laboratories
Department of Mechanical Engineering
- administrative and faculty offices
- laboratories
Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
- laboratories
- undergraduate design laboratory
1150 10th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233

Center for Biophysical Sciences and Engineering (CBSE)
The center houses the Engineering and Innovative Technology Development (EITD).
- administrative and faculty offices
- EITD research laboratories
1025 18th Street South South
Birmingham, AL 35233

501 Building
The 501 Building houses the Department of Materials Science and Engineering's Materials Processing and Applications Development (MPAD) Center.
501 12th Street South
Birmingham, AL 35233

Volker Hall (VH)
Volker houses the Department of Biomedical Engineering's main administrative office, faculty offices, and research laboratories.
1670 University Boulevard
Birmingham, AL 35233

Shelby Biomedical Research Building (SHEL)
Shelby houses the Department of Biomedical Engineering.
- administrative and faculty offices
- laboratories
1825 University Boulevard
Birmingham, AL 35233