Explore UAB

Students and Dr. Wick working on a Project Lab device. Do you like to make things?

Do you want to enhance your engineering design and prototyping skills while earning credit towards an engineering degree?

Are you a budding entrepreneur?

Are you seeking real-world hands-on project experience?

Do you want to work with peers to design and build devices and apps that solve a pressing problem for a client?

In Project Lab, students work in teams to engineer devices based on professional client needs. Students gain hands-on experience in engineering design and innovation using Design Thinking methodology. The Project Lab student team is responsible for all aspects of project management: ideation, design, fabrication, validation and training necessary to deliever a device or app that meets client needs.  Successful participation in the lab requires ingenuity, collaboration, determination, and execution (Sound like you? Keep reading!).

If you’re looking for more in a class, and you aren’t afraid of hard work, the Project Lab Course might be right for you. We are looking for exceptional students to be part of our Project Lab team. All engineering students are welcome. Ideal candidates will exhibit versatility, decision-making skills, innovative thinking, and creativity.

Are you up to the task?

Course Details

  • Weekly Meet Ups: Fridays, 9:00-11:00 am, EEC, Room 166
  • Talk the Talk: Learn to practice effective communication with team members and clients
  • Answer the S.O.S.: Meet the need, answer questions, and clearly explain technical concepts
  • Show Them the Way: Help clients better utilize the devices by providing product demonstrations and product training
  • Fix Problems: Be prepared to investigate and diagnose system issues via research, building of prototypes and testing
  • Own It: You’ll need to think for yourself, take initiative, and act innovatively to help our clients and Project Lab to succeed
  • Share Your Stats: We don’t need to know your shirt size, but we will need you to report on your progress and challenges
  • Never Stop Learning: Participate in team trainings, professional development, and opportunities to become a rock star

Want More Information?

For more information about applying for Student Project Lab, contact Timothy Wick or Molly Kate Lallone, or feel free to drop by EEC 166 almost any Friday morning when classes are in session (including summer).