Explore UAB

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Best practices in welcoming international students to our classrooms align with principles of good teaching for all UAB students. For context and ideas to incorporate in your courses, read “pdfEngaging in Teaching that Reaches All Students” by Melissa Hawkins, PhD, the CTL’s Associate Director for Internationalization.


Global Awareness Series


The Center for Teaching and Learning is committed to supporting faculty in developing learning environments that include diverse perspectives and viewpoints from other world cultures, as well as promoting the development of intercultural competence among all UAB students. The CTL also endeavors to empower faculty in welcoming international students to our campus by creating inviting, inclusive classrooms that demonstrate an appreciation for the rich vitality they bring to campus life and learning. 

To accomplish this goal, the CTL presents the Global Awareness workshop series, providing strategies and tips for working with and teaching international students, as well as topics related to cross-cultural communication and developing intercultural competence. Earning the CTL Global Awareness Certificate includes attending 10 Global Awareness workshops and/or previously approved additional workshops. Descriptions of Global Awareness workshops are below. More details about earning the Global Awareness Certificate are on the CTL Certifications page.

For more information about this workshop series, to request that one of the workshops be taught on-site in your unit, or for consultation, contact Dr. Melissa Hawkins, the CTL's Associate Director for Internationalization.


Click on a workshop title below to view more information and to register.
If no upcoming events are listed, check out more upcoming events from other CTL workshop series.


Workshop Descriptions:

View workshop descriptions below by clicking the + sign next to each workshop title.

Teaching Practices for International Student Success

Exploring International Student Backgrounds

Our early educational experiences shape what we bring to the university classroom. Investigate the educational cultures of our most common international student populations at UAB, with a particular focus on how those backgrounds might pose cross-cultural complexities to work through upon arrival in a U.S. educational context. Discover the key ways that you can be a “cultural broker” to your students in their adjustment to studies at UAB. Presentations will focus on the countries currently represented in the “top ten” student groups at UAB from the following regions:

Growing in Intercultural Awareness

Teaching for Global Learning