CTL Certification Programs for UAB Faculty
Certification affirms that a UAB faculty member has participated in significant professional development in teaching through CTL-hosted workshops, teaching observations, development of teaching materials, and other approved activities that strengthen and develop teaching skills. Printed certificates are suitable for framing, for display, and for inclusion in teaching portfolios. Each year the CTL offers more than 200 workshops for faculty that earn points and badges towards certification. To learn more about workshops offered through the Center for Teaching and Learning, continue reading below. Postdocs that are not currently teaching academic courses at UAB, UAB graduate students, and UAB undergraduate students are not eligible to receive CTL certificates. We welcome you to attend CTL events once you are an instructor of record for an academic UAB course.
The UAB Center for Teaching and Learning offers the following certificate programs for UAB faculty members ( for CTL certificate details):
CTL Gold Certificate (Level I)
CTL Global Awareness Certificate (Level I)
CTL Interprofessional Teams in Healthcare Certificate (Level I)
CTL Accessibility Certificate (Level I)
CTL Advising as Teaching Certificate (Level I)
CTL Platinum Certificate (Level II)
CTL Teaching with Technology Certificate (Level 1)
The UAB Office of Learning Technologies also offers certificate programs for UAB faculty members on online design and teaching tools. eLearning workshop attendances count towards eLearning certificates. Click here for details.
Gamification of the CTL Certification Program
Points and a badging system are used to track progress and to encourage participation in the CTL Certification Program. To receive a certificate, participants must earn 100,000 points. These can include "Gold" points, "Platinum" points, and "Green" points. 10,000 Gold or Platinum points are awarded for participation in each CTL-hosted workshop and for teaching observations and 5,000 Green points are awarded for developing teaching materials, creating teaching artifacts, and participating in CTL homework assignments.
Each workshop or homework can only be used once towards the achievement of a specific CTL certification.
Certificates Offered by the CTL
CTL Gold Certificate (Level I)
Requirements for the CTL Gold Certificate (Level I)
To receive the CTL Gold Certificate, participants are required to earn at least 100,000 points. These points can be acquired by attending any CTL-hosted workshops. Each CTL-hosted workshop can only be used once towards the achievement of a specific CTL certification.
Non-teaching postdocs, UAB graduate, and UAB undergraduate students are not eligible to receive CTL certificates.
For additional details on the CTL Gold Certificate (Level I), contact the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning.
CTL Global Awareness Certificate (Level I)
Requirements for the CTL Global Awareness Certificate (Level I)
The Center for Teaching and Learning offers the CTL Global Awareness Certificate for faculty interested in expanding their capacity towards internationalization, teaching students from international backgrounds, and teaching intercultural competence. To qualify for the CTL Global Awareness Certificate, participants must earn a total of 100,000 points from attending any workshops in the Global Awareness series in the CTL and/or previously approved additional workshops.
CTL Global Awareness workshops are presented by the CTL’s Associate Director for Internationalization, Dr. Melissa Hawkins. The series currently includes 16 topics related to the following areas: practices for teaching international students that reach all learners, international student backgrounds, developing intercultural awareness and cross-cultural skills, and curriculum internationalization.
Each workshop can only be used once towards the achievement of a specific certification.
UAB graduate and undergraduate students are not eligible to receive CTL certificates. UAB graduate students may earn certificates with prior approval from the CTL only if they are currently the teacher of record for academic courses at UAB.
For additional details on the CTL Global Awareness Certificate, contact the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning.
CTL Interprofessional Teams in Healthcare Certificate (Level I)
Requirements for the CTL Interprofessional Teams in Healthcare Certificate (Level I)
The Center for Teaching and Learning partners with the Center for Interprofessional Education and Simulation to offer the CTL Interprofessional Teams in Healthcare Certificate. To qualify for the CTL Interprofessional Teams in Healthcare Certificate, participants must complete a total of 100,000 points with at least 70,000 points earned in the CTL’s Interprofessional Teams in Healthcare workshop series and 30,000 additional points from any other CTL series.
CTL Interprofessional Teams in Healthcare workshops offer training for educators in the growing field of Interprofessional Education (IPE). This series has been developed to aid faculty, teaching students in health-related schools, add Interprofessional content to their courses. Non-health-related faculty will also find the information and tools useful to integrate into any interprofessional activity.
Each workshop or homework can only be used once towards the achievement of a specific certification.
UAB graduate and undergraduate students are not eligible to receive CTL certificates. UAB graduate students may earn certificates with prior approval from the CTL if they are currently teaching academic courses at UAB.
For additional details on the CTL Interprofessional Teams in Healthcare Certificate, contact the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning or Allison Shorten (Office of Interprofessional Curriculum) in the Center for Interprofessional Education and Simulation.
CTL Accessibility Certificate (Level I)
Requirements for the CTL Accessibility Certificate (Level I)
The Center for Teaching and Learning partners with UAB Disability Support Services to offer the CTL Accessibility Certificate. To qualify for the CTL Accessibility Certificate, participants must complete a total of 100,000 points with at least 70,000 points earned in the CTL’s Accessibility workshop series and 30,000 additional points from any other CTL series.
Accessibility practices aim to make the experiences that a university offers available to the largest number of people. The Accessibility Series is designed to answer specific questions about accessibility and accommodations. The main themes that the workshops center around were identified using assessment feedback provided by faculty and staff. Each workshop is interactive and questions are encouraged.
Each workshop or homework can only be used once towards the achievement of a specific certification.
UAB graduate and undergraduate students are not eligible to receive CTL certificates. UAB graduate students may earn certificates with prior approval from the CTL if they are currently teaching academic courses at UAB.
For additional details on the CTL Accessibility Certificate, contact the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning or UAB Disability Support Services.
CTL Advising as Teaching Certificate (Level I)
Requirements for the CTL Advising As Teaching Certificate (Level I)
The Advising as Teaching Series is designed to highlight the alignment between academic advising and the educational mission of UAB relative to student growth and development. Each session is designed in a workshop format such that they provide advisors opportunities to network with peers and practice skills associated with NACADA’s research-based best practices in academic advising.
To qualify for the CTL Advising as Teaching Certificate, participates must earn a total of 100,000 points with at least 70,000 points earned in the Advising as Teaching workshop series and 30,000 additional points from either Teaching Effectiveness, CTL Global Awareness, Blazer Core Teaching.
Each workshop or homework can only be used once towards the achievement of a specific certification.
UAB graduate and undergraduate students are not eligible to receive CTL certificates. UAB graduate students may earn certificates with prior approval from the CTL if they are currently teaching academic courses at UAB.
For additional details on the CTL Advising as Teaching Certificate, contact the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning.
CTL Platinum Certificate (Level II)
Requirements for the CTL Platinum Certificate (Level II)
The CTL Platinum Certificate provides UAB teachers with more advanced professional development opportunities in teaching. To receive the certificate, participants must earn at least 100,000 additional points beyond the CTL Gold Certificate. These must include at least 70,000 “Platinum” points which are earned by attending specially designated Platinum-level workshops**, through teacher observations, and by the completion of a capstone project and presentation. The remaining 30k points may be either Gold, Green, or Platinum. Specifically, participants must complete the following requirements:
- Earn the CTL Gold Certificate (Level I).
- Be an instructor of record for at least one course at UAB with students enrolled during the semester the certificate is earned.
- Attend at least three Platinum-level workshops (30,000 Platinum points, see details below)**
- Have their teaching observed on two occasions by CTL personnel and/or approved mentors - preferably near the beginning and end of a semester (10,000 Platinum points per observation)
- Observe the teaching of another UAB Teacher, designated by the CTL (10,000 Platinum points)
- Complete a capstone teaching project, approved by the CTL, and present the project to an audience of other teachers (10,000 Platinum points)
- Along with the 70k Platinum points, earn an additional 30k Green, Gold, or Platinum points towards this certificate for a total of 100k points.
**When you attend Platinum-level workshops, you will first receive 10k Gold points. Upon submission and review of the required Platinum homework, your 10k Gold points will be converted into 10k Platinum Points. Points will not be awarded until homework submissions are reviewed and commented on by the workshop presenter, which may take a little more time than 5k Green Point homework.
Each workshop or homework can only be used once towards the achievement of a specific certification.
UAB graduate and undergraduate students are not eligible to receive CTL certificates. UAB graduate students may earn certificates with prior approval from the CTL if they are currently teaching academic courses at UAB.
For additional details on the CTL Platinum Certificate (Level II), contact the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning.
CTL Teaching with Technology Certificate (Level 1)
Requirements for the CTL Teaching with Technology Certificate (Level 1)
The Center for Teaching and Learning partners with the Office of Learning Technologies to offer the CTL Teaching with Technology Certificate. To qualify for the CTL Teaching with Technology Certificate, participants must complete a total of 100,000 points with at least 70,000 points earned in the CTL’s Teaching with Technology workshop series and 30,000 additional points from any other CTL series.
Through the Teaching with Technology Series, instructional designers from the Office of Learning Technologies guide UAB instructors in exploring Canvas features such as gradebook, feedback tools, rubrics, and group tools, as well as other learning technologies available at UAB such as Harmonize. Even if you have been teaching with technology for some time, come learn some new tips and tricks!
Each workshop can only be used once towards the achievement of a specific certification.
UAB graduate and undergraduate students are not eligible to receive CTL certificates. UAB graduate students may earn certificates with prior approval from the CTL if they are currently teaching academic courses at UAB.
For additional details on the Teaching with Technology Certificate, contact the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning or Instructional Design Manager, Randi Kirkland at rlk03@uab.edu.
Tracking CTL Certification Points
Tracking Points
Points for full attendance at Center for Teaching and Learning-hosted events will be logged and recorded based on the sign-in records for each event, so be sure to sign in when you arrive. Points and badges are tracked and displayed publicly on the CTL Certification Leaderboard. The leaderboard is updated manually several times each month. If your records don't align with the points displayed on the leaderboard, please contact the CTL.
When you attend CTL-hosted workshops, you will also be given a badge for the workshop series as well as a sticker for your points which you can affix in your CTL Passport for your own records. If you have not received a CTL passport or a CTL neck wallet to hold your passport, be sure to grab one on your next visit to the CTL! -
Gold Points
Gold Points are awarded for attending CTL-hosted workshops.
- One CTL-hosted workshop = 10,000 Gold Points
- Workshops are presented by UAB Center for Teaching and Learning faculty, CTL Points Partners, or invited guests. Most workshops are presented at the CTL (4th floor of Lister Hill Library). Workshops in the Medical Educators Series may be presented in Volker Hall and the Bradley Conference Center. Individual schools, departments, and other groups may request workshops to be presented at faculty meetings, retreats, and other gatherings. Please double-check the location of your event when you register.
- Gold Points can only be used once towards the achievement of a specific CTL certification.
Green Points
Green Points are awarded for proof of Teaching Artifacts and Activities.
- One CTL-approved Teaching Artifact/Activity/Homework = 5,000 Green Points
- Teaching Artifacts are documents, small projects, or other products created as a result of learning acquired through a CTL workshop. Examples include a course map or syllabus created using backwards design, a test or quiz created containing “good” test questions, a recorded lecture prepared for a flipped classroom, a Team Based Learning application exercise, and so forth. Teaching artifacts must be assigned by workshop presenters in order to receive Green Points.
- Green points may also be earned for activities completed in an effort to improve one’s teaching. Examples include consulting with a CTL faculty member or teaching fellow, sharing a Teaching Artifact with another teacher, observing another teacher’s classroom, tutoring another teacher as they create a Teaching Artifact, and so forth. Outside activities must first be approved by the CTL in order to receive Green Points.
- Green Points can only be used once towards the achievement of a specific CTL certification.
Platinum Points
Platinum points are awarded for attending Platinum-level CTL-hosted workshops, for participating in teaching observations, and for completing a Platinum capstone project.
- One Platinum CTL-hosted workshop = 10,000 Platinum points**
- Platinum workshops are presented by UAB Center for Teaching and Learning personnel and carry the Platinum points designation. Platinum workshops are generally at least 90 minutes long and involve a significant out-of-workshop assignment. At least one Platinum workshop is offered each month during the semester.
- Having one's teaching observed by CTL personnel or observing the teaching of another CTL-approved teaching earns 10,000 Platinum points.
- The completion and presentation of the CTL Platinum capstone teaching project earns 10,000 Platinum points.
**When you attend Platinum-level workshops, you will first receive 10k Gold points. Upon submission and review of the required Platinum homework, your 10k Gold points will be converted into 10k Platinum Points. Points will not be awarded until homework submissions are reviewed and commented on by the workshop presenter, which may take a little more time than 5k Green Point homework.
CTL Workshop Series and Badges
CTL workshop series are offered by the Center for Teaching and Learning and CTL Points Partners. These are organized by topic and presenter or presenting organization and each series is represented by a CTL badge. At each CTL-hosted workshop, attendees receive a badge sticker that can be affixed to a CTL Passport are for your own records. CTL passports and neck wallets to carry the passport can be obtained at the CTL. Click on a series title at the bottom of this page to learn more about each series and to view upcoming CTL-hosted workshops.
To begin working toward CTL Certification or attend seminars and workshops, register at uab.edu/CTL or contact the CTL.