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CTL Certification Programs for UAB Faculty

CTL Teaching Certificates Certification affirms that a UAB faculty member has participated in significant professional development in teaching through CTL-hosted workshops, teaching observations, development of teaching materials, and other approved activities that strengthen and develop teaching skills. Printed certificates are suitable for framing, for display, and for inclusion in teaching portfolios. Each year the CTL offers more than 200 workshops for faculty that earn points and badges towards certification. To learn more about workshops offered through the Center for Teaching and Learning, continue reading below. Postdocs that are not currently teaching academic courses at UAB, UAB graduate students, and UAB undergraduate students are not eligible to receive CTL certificates. We welcome you to attend CTL events once you are an instructor of record for an academic UAB course.

The UAB Center for Teaching and Learning offers the following certificate programs for UAB faculty members ( for CTL certificate details):

CTL Gold Certificate (Level I)
CTL Global Awareness Certificate (Level I)
CTL Interprofessional Teams in Healthcare Certificate (Level I)
CTL Accessibility Certificate (Level I)
CTL Advising as Teaching Certificate (Level I)
CTL Platinum Certificate (Level II)
CTL Teaching with Technology Certificate (Level 1)

The UAB Office of Learning Technologies also offers certificate programs for UAB faculty members on online design and teaching tools. eLearning workshop attendances count towards eLearning certificates. Click here for details.

Gamification of the CTL Certification Program

Points and a badging system are used to track progress and to encourage participation in the CTL Certification Program. To receive a certificate, participants must earn 100,000 points. These can include "Gold" points, "Platinum" points, and "Green" points. 10,000 Gold or Platinum points are awarded for participation in each CTL-hosted workshop and for teaching observations and 5,000 Green points are awarded for developing teaching materials, creating teaching artifacts, and participating in CTL homework assignments.

Each workshop or homework can only be used once towards the achievement of a specific CTL certification.

Certificates Offered by the CTL

  • CTL Gold Certificate (Level I)

    10kRequirements for the CTL Gold Certificate (Level I)

    To receive the CTL Gold Certificate, participants are required to earn at least 100,000 points. These points can be acquired by attending any CTL-hosted workshops. Each CTL-hosted workshop can only be used once towards the achievement of a specific CTL certification.

    Non-teaching postdocs, UAB graduate, and UAB undergraduate students are not eligible to receive CTL certificates.

    For additional details on the CTL Gold Certificate (Level I), contact the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning.

Tracking CTL Certification Points

  • Tracking Points

    CTL Passport Image Points for full attendance at Center for Teaching and Learning-hosted events will be logged and recorded based on the sign-in records for each event, so be sure to sign in when you arrive. Points and badges are tracked and displayed publicly on the CTL Certification Leaderboard. The leaderboard is updated manually several times each month. If your records don't align with the points displayed on the leaderboard, please contact the CTL.

    When you attend CTL-hosted workshops, you will also be given a badge for the workshop series as well as a sticker for your points which you can affix in your CTL Passport for your own records.  If you have not received a CTL passport or a CTL neck wallet to hold your passport, be sure to grab one on your next visit to the CTL!


CTL PointsPartyCertificates

CTL Workshop Series and Badges

CTL workshop series are offered by the Center for Teaching and Learning and CTL Points Partners. These are organized by topic and presenter or presenting organization and each series is represented by a CTL badge. At each CTL-hosted workshop, attendees receive a badge sticker that can be affixed to a CTL Passport are for your own records. CTL passports and neck wallets to carry the passport can be obtained at the CTL. Click on a series title at the bottom of this page to learn more about each series and to view upcoming CTL-hosted workshops.

To begin working toward CTL Certification or attend seminars and workshops, register at uab.edu/CTL or contact the CTL.

Reserve CTL Space

The UAB Center for Teaching and Learning promotes educational and professional development that leads to innovation in the classroom and meaningful student learning. Our offerings and space is available to any UAB faculty, student facing staff, or individuals teaching a course currently that is interested in professional and educational development. If you are in need of space for a faculty meeting, training, and or retreat we would love to host you.

Inquire about CTL Space Opens an external link.

CTL Workshops

BlazerCoreV1 round  Blazer Core Teaching

Global awareness   Global Awareness

effectiveness   Teaching Effectiveness