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Interprofessional Teams in Healthcare Series

interprofessional teams The UAB Center for Interprofessional Education and Simulation (CIPES) is excited to team up with the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning to offer training for educators in the growing field of Interprofessional Education (IPE). This series has been developed to aid faculty, teaching students in health-related schools, add Interprofessional content to their courses. Non-health-related faculty will also find the information and tools useful to integrate into any interprofessional activity.

Interprofessional education and collaborative practice continue to gain momentum in healthcare. Educators and accreditors are now focusing on how IPE can achieve the “Quadruple Aim” of improving; Population Health, Patient Experience, Per Capita Costs, and Provider Work Life. Participants will learn what constitutes IPE at UAB, how to incorporate IPE in their activities, and what resources are available.

For more information about this workshop series, contact Allison Shorten (Office of Interprofessional Curriculum) in the Center for Interprofessional Education and Simulation.

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The UAB Center for Teaching and Learning promotes educational and professional development that leads to innovation in the classroom and meaningful student learning. Our offerings and space is available to any UAB faculty, student facing staff, or individuals teaching a course currently that is interested in professional and educational development. If you are in need of space for a faculty meeting, training, and or retreat we would love to host you.

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CTL Workshops

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Global awareness   Global Awareness

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