Mental Health Matters Series
Student Counseling Services is excited to partner with the Center for Teaching and Learning to offer faculty and staff training designed to equip participants to better understand and support students around mental health concerns. By supporting student mental health and well-being, faculty and staff can facilitate higher student retention and persistence to graduation as well as impact students’ overall ability to successfully pursue their academic, personal and career goals.
For questions about workshops in this series, contact Angela Stowe with UAB Student Counseling Services.
Click on a workshop title below to view more information and to register.
If no upcoming events are listed, check out more upcoming events from other CTL workshop series.
Mental Health Matters: Responding to Students in Distress
This introductory workshop will provide participants with basic information to better understand and support mental health for our students and our campus. Participants will learn to Recognize, Empathize, Ask, and Link. Participants will receive a 4x4” decal to display indicating to students you support mental health at UAB.
QPR Suicide Gatekeeper Certification
QPR Suicide Gatekeeper Certification equips participants with a practical intervention model, Question-Persuade-Refer, that can be used to provide life-saving crisis support to individuals who may be considering suicide. In the state of Alabama, suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for ages 15 – 24. This workshop is facilitated by nationally-certified trainers. This workshop also counts toward requirements for the UAB Cares Mental Health Advocate Level 1 Badge and employees may receive My Health Rewards for completing the course.
Mental Health Matters: First Aid
Mental Health First Aid for Higher Education teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. This 8-hour training — which focuses on the unique experiences and needs of college students — gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care. Participants will receive a free Mental Health First Aid training manual (valued at $20) and will receive a certification through the National Council on Behavioral Health. View this one-page flyer for more information. This workshop also counts toward requirements for the UAB Cares Mental Health Advocate Level 2 Badge for faculty/staff and employees may receive My Health Rewards for completing the course.
Mental Health Matters: Collegiate Substance Use and Student Support
The question of how to support students struggling with substance use has long been a source of concern among higher education professionals. Peer socialization around substances, along with long-standing cultural messaging about the college experience, prevents students from recognizing or acknowledging potential substance use concerns. Social stigma around substance use disorder is also a barrier to students seeking support or improving their relationship to substances. This seminar focuses on the realities of substance use as a widespread community health concern, establishing open and honest dialogues with students about substances, and how to create recovery-ready communities that meet the unique needs of UAB students.