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Teaching Effectiveness Series

effectivenessThe Teaching Effectiveness series seeks to bolster the teaching practice of all UAB instructors through workshops that inspire continuous improvement in teaching skills. Participation in each workshop earns UAB faculty 10,000 Gold points towards a CTL certificate and a Teaching Effectiveness series badge.

For more information about this workshop series, contact Dr. Amy Chatham in the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning. Teaching Effectiveness workshop topics can also be presented onsite for school or departmental faculty trainings.

Click on a workshop title below to view more information and to register.
If no upcoming events are listed, check out more upcoming events from other CTL workshop series.


Workshop Descriptions:

View workshop descriptions below by clicking the + sign next to each workshop title.

Principles of Good Teaching

Teaching Techniques

Teaching Tools for Professional Growth

Reserve CTL Space

The UAB Center for Teaching and Learning promotes educational and professional development that leads to innovation in the classroom and meaningful student learning. Our offerings and space is available to any UAB faculty, student facing staff, or individuals teaching a course currently that is interested in professional and educational development. If you are in need of space for a faculty meeting, training, and or retreat we would love to host you.

Inquire about CTL Space Opens an external link.

CTL Workshops

BlazerCoreV1 round  Blazer Core Teaching

Global awareness   Global Awareness

effectiveness   Teaching Effectiveness