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Welcome to UAB Global Affairs

During the past 50 years, UAB has played an increasingly important role in the nation and around the world — educating students, conducting innovative research, engaging diverse communities and providing first-class patient care. Because of its excellence, UAB has been ranked the #1 Young University in the US by Times Higher Education for the second year in a row and #12 worldwide.

We are excited to see what lies ahead — and we would love to have you join with us. Whether you are a current student or faculty member looking to get more involved with global activities, or a prospective student, faculty member or seeking healthcare, this site will connect you to world-class opportunities here at UAB and around the globe.

Tracking process flowchart - all information included as accessible text below.

  1. International Volunteer/Visitor: International Visiting Scholar (IV) communicates with UAB faculty and requests research, teaching, or observership opportunity.
  2. UAB Faculty: UAB faculty reviews request.
    • If rejected, UAB faculty sends denial email to IV.
  3. UAB Faculty: If accepted, UAB faculty accepts requests and notifies department coordinator to process request.
  4. Department Coordinator: Department coordinator downloads IV packet (application and required documentation) and helps IV complete packet.
  5. Department Coordinator: Department coordinator sends IV packet and documentation to Departmental HR for review and to draft offer letter.
    • Incomplete offer letter or compliance issue: Offer sent back to Departmental HR with suggestions.
  6. Departmental HR: Departmental HR sends letter and IV packet to International Education (IE) for review and clearance processing. International visiting scholar pays the application fee.
  7. International Education Office: After receiving application fee, fully signed offer letter, and competed IV packet, IE starts processing international visiting scholar for clearance.
    • When all requirements are met, IE sends notice to Departmental HR and ISSS that IV has been cleared.
  8. Departmental HR: Departmental HR creates ACT document for Central HR and works with UAB ISSS, UAB EH&S Occupational Medicine, and UAB Risk and Compliance Office to clear all requirements.
  9. International Education Office: IE tracks the IV during and until the end date of the opportunity.
  10. International Education Office: 30 days before end date, IE notifies Departmental HR that opportunity is approaching end date and requests status update.
    • If opportunity is extended beyond original date end, Departmental HR will draft a new letter and send to IE for clearance (repeat steps 6-10).
  11. Departmental HR: Departmental HR sends notice to IE, ISSS, and Central HR that opportunity is ending. Departmental HR and Central HR initiate off-boarding process.
    • Off-boarding includes reporting components and addressing potential needs of a MTA, DUA, CDA, MOU, or Export Control license.
  12. Departmental HR: Departmental HR retrieves One Card, sends notice to KEYCONTROL to disable access, and terminate IV's ACT document. Central HR sends evaluation to IV and results to Department HR and IE.

Feedback/Need Help?

Can’t find what you’re looking for or need assistance from the Office of Global Management? Contact us at uabglobal@uab.edu.

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