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The 2018 Provost’s Award for Faculty Excellence in Education Abroad goes to Dr. Michele (Mickey) Bunn, Assistant Professor of Marketing and Director of International Business Programs in the Collat School of Business.

Spring interdisciplinary program by Dr. Michele in ItalyDr. Bunn has made significant contributions to the Education Abroad efforts at UAB and in particular, the Collat School of Business. Dr. Bunn has coordinated and led a spring interdisciplinary program, “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a Global Environment” to Italy since 2017 focusing on the comparative analysis of the US, Italy, and other countries. The program focuses on the cultural, social, governmental and economic conditions critical for the success of innovative and entrepreneurial activity.

During the business and cultural tour across northern Italy, students discover first-hand the Italian passion for art, design, innovation and cultural identity – hallmarks of the Italian way of life and drivers of the Italian economy since ancient times. But, the program is not just about Italy. Dr. Bunn has carefully designed the coursework and student experience such that students develop a unique perspective on global business and a deeper cultural awareness of both domestic and foreign countries.

In the words of some of the previous participants, “this opened my eyes and mind to different cultures,” “this made me more human, and more welcoming to those from other cultures,” “I have completely shifted my opinions and pre-conceived notions” and “I proved to myself that I could do this and I will strive to do more things like this in the future to enrich my life.” It is clear that the student experience in Dr. Bunn’s faculty-led program has been profoundly meaningful to the participants.

faculty-led program by Dr. Michele in ItalyIn addition to her dedication to the faculty-led program to Italy, Dr. Bunn has rejuvenated the passion for study abroad in the school of business among both students and faculty through her work as the Director of International Business Programs.

Dr. Bunn has been recognized with the Provost Award for Faculty Excellence in Education Abroad programming for developing a high-impact, culturally immersive business program and serving as an Education Abroad champion of program development for Collat School of Business students.

For more information about the Italy study abroad program or International Business program opportunities, contact Dr. Michele (Mickey) Bunn at mbunn@uab.edu.

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