Next Generation Sequencing
The Genomics Core offers Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) services at UAB using the Illumina Sequencing Platforms: NextSeq500 and the MiSeq desktop sequencer.
NGS Assays include:
Whole Genome Sequencing
- Targeted Resequencing
- mRNA-Seq
- microRNA-Seq
- Exome Capture and Sequencing
- ChIP-Seq
- Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS)
- 16S rDNA Microbiome Sequencing
Data analysis is being performed through the Heflin Center in collaboration with the CCTS, and the CBSG.
Please contact Mike Crowley (975-2013) to discuss the details and pricing for your NGS project.
Here is a really good review when planning RNA-Sequencing experiments:
Here is a really good review when planning single-cell RNA-Sequencing experiments: