The Employee Assistance & Counseling Center (EACC) is a resource for managers, supervisors and HR Consultants to assist in helping employees solve personal problems that may be contributing to poor job performance. Submit the Supervisor Referral Form online, or select a tab below to learn more about the tools and resources available for UAB managers.
EACC Supervisor Referral FormOpens an external link.
EACC Services for Managers
The EACC provides consultation and training to support managers/supervisors in working effectively with employees who are experiencing performance problems in the workplace that may be related to problems in their personal lives. A referral to the EACC allows the supervisor to concentrate on the performance problem while our staff assists the employee with possible underlying personal issues.
An employee should be referred to the EACC when (a) you are worried about an employee’s welfare or wellbeing, (b) an employee’s work performance begins to decline, or (c) a work issue presents and you are unsure of how to handle it.
Additional Resources for Managers- Non-imminent threats to the safety and wellbeing of the UAB community, including concerning behavior or emotional changes in a colleague or student, can reported anonymously to the Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Team (BTAM).
- UAB HR's Critical Support site is a one-stop resource for UAB leaders who may find themselves involved in a crisis situation with an employee in need of critical support.
- The EACC Critical Incident Stress Management Plan in A Manager's Guide to the EACC ensures UAB is prepared and effectively responds to emergencies and critical incidents by providing appropriate crisis intervention and support to those in need.
A Manager's Guide to the EACC
A Manager's Guide to the EACC offers UAB managers/supervisors detailed information including signs of a troubled employee, steps for making a supervisor referral, EACC services, critical incident stress management planning and more.
An employee should be referred to the EACC when (a) you are worried about an employee’s welfare or wellbeing, (b) an employee’s work performance begins to decline, or (c) a work issue presents and you are unsure of how to handle it.
EACC Quick Guides for ManagersWhile A Manager's Guide to the EACC offers a comprehensive overview of EACC services, these handy quick guides offer immediate guidance on some pressing issues faced by managers.
Managing Grief in the Workplace
Just as the workplace is a place for celebrating birthdays, commiserating about parenting issues, and sharing opinions about virtually everything, it’s a place for grieving, and for supporting each other in grief. The resources below are designed to help you and your employees on the journey through grief.
- How to Help Employees Recover After Losing a Co-worker After an employee passes, as a manager you will likely find yourself coping with your own grief, wondering how to communicate what occurred without oversharing, and thinking about how to cover the employee’s work responsibilities. These strategies can serve as a guide as you navigate next steps and support the rest of your team.
- 10 Self-Compassionate Principles for Grief: A list of ways to empower yourself to heal, and how others may or may not help
- Misconceptions about Grief at Work: Common (and harmful) misconceptions about grief at work
- Coping with Grief in the Workplace: General principles to help on your grief journey
- Supporting Employees Coping with Significant Loss: Tips for supporting an employee dealing with loss and honoring an employee who has passed
- Supporting Employees After a Suicide: Tips for supporting employees after a co-worker has died by suicide