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Employee Assistance & Counseling Center

The Oracle Administrative System is an integrated suite of HR and Finance modules used for UAB administrative operations and record keeping. It is a web-based system that includes a Self-Service Application that allows all UAB employees to manage their own personal information including direct deposit accounts and tax withholdings, and to view and print personal employee assignment data, current payslips, employment verifications and W2 forms.

  • To update your personal information, follow the Admin Systems Self Service link for step-by-step instructions on using the UAB Self-Service Applications. For employees who do not have access to a computer on the job site, the HR Service Center is located on the first floor of the Administration Building. HR staff are available to provide assistance with employee Self Service responsibilities weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • For assistance with using the Oracle Administrative Systems, follow the Admin Systems Training link for more information on training and support.

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