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Integrating Computing Across the Curriculum Center for Community Outreach Development

Scratch Day RSVP Deadline 

18 Scratch Day - Me@UAB 

Teacher Institute - ICAC Basics
10-14 Teacher Institute - ICAC Advanced
17-20 Student Summer Camp 1
24-27 Student Summer Camp 2  

In this paid three-hour session, teachers will ask specific questions about difficulties they have with Scratch; and work with others to find answers.  The session will increase teachers' knowledge of Scratch by introducing them to some advanced uses and programming capabilities of the program.

Session Details
Date: Saturday, March 16, 2013
Time: 9am - 12pm
Location: University of Alabama at Birmingham, Heritage Hall (Room 426)

For more information and to register, email ljoneal@uab.edu or call 205.934.8672.