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Integrating Computing Across the Curriculum Center for Community Outreach Development


These materials were created to help teachers easily introduce and integrate Scratch in the classroom. Scratch offers a unique opportunity for students to learn the basics of computer programming as they create multimedia projects to demonstrate their understanding of a particular concept or topic. Use these guides to find ways to use Scratch in the classroom as a tool to increase students' computational thinking skills.

The materials are divided into three categories; click on a category to view the associated materials.
Scratch Guides
Scratch Lesson Frameworks
Scratch Club

Scratch Guides

Intro to Scratch
Get acquainted with Scratch using this simple introductory guide.

Scratch Acrostic Name Game
This activity is a great way to introduce your class to Scratch! Choose and edit a sprite for each letter in your name. When each letter is clicked, it will "say" an adjective describing you that begins with that letter.

Scratch Maze Game Lesson Plan
Use this lesson plan to show your students how to build a maze and program a sprite to navigate to the end without touching the colored walls of the maze.

Scratch Lesson Framework - Interactive Presentation
The purpose of this lesson framework is to provide teachers with a useful outline for creating a custom Scratch lesson.

Scratch Lesson Framework Lesson Template
This ICAC template was created to help teachers articulate their own interactive presentation lesson during one of our professional development sessions.

Interactive Presentation Student Handout
Created by an ICAC teacher, this handout gives students step-by-step instructions for completing the interactive presentation lesson.

Scratch Project Rubric
Use this sample rubric to help you assess students' completed Scratch projects.

Scratch Lesson Frameworks

The following lesson frameworks were developed in Year 2 as a structured series for integrating the use of Scratch in the classroom. Each framework builds on the concepts introduced in the previous one. Fill each framework with your own content material to create your own multimedia student project assignments.
Scratch Lesson 1: Welcome to Scratch! Lesson Framework
A great introduction to Scratch, the Welcome to Scratch! framework provides the structure for creating an interactive project that includes painted sprites and recorded sounds. This framework requires the use of a microphone connected to a computer to record a message about the project.

Interactive Presentation Student Worksheet
Give this worksheet to your students to help them organize and create their interactive project outlined in Lesson Framework 1.

Scratch Lesson 2: Movies Made From Scratch Lesson Framework
Create an animated movie with your students, complete with a title screen, a soundtrack, and ending credits! Find other sprites and costumes to add other animated characters to the movie.

Scratch Lesson 3: Game Design with Scratch Lesson Framework
Building upon the previous two frameworks, task your students to build a maze game that highlights some facts on a particular topic. For example, students can use their knowledge of food chains to create a predator and prey maze.

Scratch Club

The following materials were created to help motivated teachers facilitate a 5-week after-school Scratch Club for interested 4th and 5th graders. Session outlines are provided below for each one-hour session to help you implement your own Scratch Club and support students creativity, collaboration, and computing skills. The appendices provide possible completed scripts for each session's project tasks.
Session 1: Introduction to Scratch
Session 1 Appendix

Session 2: Let's Broadcast
Session 2 Appendix

Session 3: Change of Scenery
Session 3 Appendix

Session 4: My Story
Session 4 Appendix

Session 5: Show & Tell
Create a Scratch account, including a username and password, for the club where students can upload their projects at http://scratch.mit.edu. Students will need the this information to upload their projects to the Scratch account.