Explore UAB

Integrating Computing Across the Curriculum Center for Community Outreach Development

Scratch Day RSVP Deadline 

18 Scratch Day - Me@UAB 

Teacher Institute - ICAC Basics
10-14 Teacher Institute - ICAC Advanced
17-20 Student Summer Camp 1
24-27 Student Summer Camp 2  

ICAC's 2013 Scratch Competition officially begins January and will culminate with the Birmingham celebration of the 2013 Scratch Day.  Scratch Day is a worldwide network of gatherings, where people come together to share Scratch projects and experiences and learn more about Scratch.  


The theme for this year's competition is Me@UAB.  Participating students create a Scratch project imagining their lives as college students at UAB.  

To help students prepare for the competition, ICAC is offering a 3-week Scratch Club at each Year 4 ICAC school.  Since there are 12 schools participating in ICAC this year, we will have 3 rounds of Scratch Clubs to accommodate all schools. 

For those schools participating in the final round of Scratch Clubs, the 2013 Scratch Competition deadline is Friday, April 19, 2013.  Completed projects will be collected during each school's scheduled Scratch Club.

For more information about the participating schools and their Scratch Club schedules, please call the ICAC office at 205.934.7512.