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Department of Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology

  • CDIB Specific

    CDIB Specific

    Q: How do I get notified about department events?
    A: When you are hired, please request that you be added to the CDIB All Group. This email list will notify you of all CDIB events as well as other information you should know as a CDIB employee. Because of the information disseminated through this Group, membership on this list is mandatory while you are active in the department.

    Q: How do I submit news to the department newsletter?
    A: Submit news to the CDIB Newsletter Submission Form.

    Q: How do I reserve a conference room?
    A: Please visit our website.

    Q: What is our address?
    A: Please visit our website for more information. Please be sure to include your specific building code and room number in the address (e.g. MCLM 930).

    Q: Who all works in the chair’s office? Who should I contact for specific questions?
    A: Please visit our website for a listing of our chair’s office team. Our team consists of department administration, facilities, human resources, research admin, procurement support, and IT/AV support.

  • Benefits


    Q: What benefits am I eligible for?
    A: To determine your benefit eligibility, you will need to use the Benefits Eligibility Chart. Your benefit eligibility is based on your assignment category. If you know your category you can refer to this chart.  If not go to your immediate supervisor and they can give you your category.

    Q: What benefits do I have?
    A: To find out which benefits you have go to the UAB for Me portal. Click the "Current Benefits Box" at the right top of the screen to view your current benefit selections.  Look for the blue section titled "Your Benefits at a Glance" to view your current selected benefits. For additional help you may contact the Benefits Office.  

    Q: How do I sign up for benefits?
    A: To enroll in benefits go to the UAB for Me portal. You have 31 days from your hire date to elect coverage. If you fail to elect coverage within 31 days of your hire date, you must wait until Annual Open Enrollment or a qualifying life event. 

    Q: How will my benefits change if I transfer to a new position?
    A: Benefit eligibility is determined by an employee's employment category.  You can refer to the Benefits Summary for any possible change. For more information or for clarification, please contact the Benefits Office.

    Q: How do I contact the Benefits Office?
    A: By phone at 205-934-3458, by email at benefits@uab.edu or in person at AB 264.

    Q: Will my dependent(s) have coverage if they move out of state?
    A: Dependent(s) insurance coverage is based on the medical plan chosen during  enrollment not the dependents location. If you have questions or need clarification, please contact the Benefits Department for more information. 

    Q: Am I eligible for educational assistance?
    A: Employees must be full-time regular or and be outside of their six-month probationary period to qualify for the Educational Assistance Program. If an employee’s probationary period ends after the first day of classes, they could still qualify: employees just have to be eligible prior to the last day to withdraw from a course without paying full tuition. Those dates are published online in the Academic Calendar each semester. If you have additional questions or need further assistance connect with the Benefits Office.

    Q: Do I qualify for the Federal Student Loan Forgiveness program as a UAB employee?
    A: In order to qualify for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF) you must:

    • Work for a government agency or for certain types of nonprofit organizations
    • Work Full-time
    • Have Direct Loans (or consolidate other Federal Student Loans to qualify)
    • Repay your loans on an income-driven repayment plan
    • Make 120 qualifying payments

    For more information visit Federal Student Aid Website or contact HR Records Administration.

    Q: How can I or my dependent(s) use my educational assistance benefits?
    A: Employee must:
    Meet UAB admission requirements, which can be found at Student Admissions

    • Online certification form requires:
      1. The Education Assistance form is found under the UAB Self Service Application in Oracle HR & Finance
      2.  Validate the date of birth entered to ensure it matches the one on file in the student system.
      3. Certified employees will be verified electronically by the Human Resources and Student Affairs departments.

    Employees with eligible dependent must:
    Meet UAB admissions requirements, which can be found at Student Admissions

    • Online certification form requires:
      1. Employees must certify their eligible dependent(s) prior to the Drop/Add date on the academic calendar.
      2. Employees must enter the student’s Blazer ID on the Oracle Self-Service form in order to certify an eligible dependent.
      3. The certification form also will validate the date of birth entered to ensure it matches the one on file in the student system.

    For additional information regarding the Educational Assistance Program, contact the Benefits Office.

    Q: If I withdraw from a course, do I have to pay tuition assistance back?
    A: An employee must have completed at least six (6) months of continuous service in an eligible status prior to the last day to withdraw from a course without paying full tuition as published in the UAB Class Schedule and/or catalogs. If you have additional questions or need further assistance connect with the Benefits Office.

    Q: When will the education assistance benefits apply to accounts?
    A: Typically Education Assistance benefits are applied after the last day Drop/Add per the Enrollment Calendar. The process is initiated by an employee meeting all Education Assistance requirements which must met prior to Drop/Add date. If you have additional questions or need further assistance connect with the Benefits office.

    Q: What kind of perks and/or discounts can I receive as an employee? 
    A: UAB Employee Perks Program offers certain discounts for current UAB staff and faculty. As a UAB employee, you have access to a variety of perks and resources to support you personally and professionally; from exclusive discounts at retailers across Birmingham, to an extensive network of on-campus services and programs. You can find a complete list at the Perks website. If you have any additional questions/comments, please email perks@uab.edu.

    Q: When can I make my medical/dental/vision insurance effective if I am a new employee?
    A: As a new employee, you can make your medical/dental/vision insurance effective on your hire date. Bi-weekly employee medical/dental/vision premiums are split over the first and second paychecks. Premiums are tax-sheltered and are paying for current month’s coverage. Visit UAB for Me to enroll. You have 31 days from your hire date to elect coverage. If you fail to elect coverage within 31 days of your hire date, you must wait until Annual Open Enrollment or a qualifying life event.

    Q: If I am not a new employee, when can I elect or cancel medical/dental/vision coverage?
    A: You can elect or cancel medical/dental/vision coverage for yourself and/or any eligible dependents within 31 days of a qualifying life event. Visit UAB for Me to elect or cancel your coverage. Qualifying life events include: Marriage, birth, adoption or placement for adoption, involuntary loss of other coverage. The effective date of the election would be the date of the qualifying life event. If you fail to enroll within 31 days of the qualifying event, you must wait until Annual Open Enrollment.

    Q: What is Annual Open Enrollment?
    A: Annual Open Enrollment allows employees to enroll, cancel, or change their medical, dental, or vision coverage. During this time employees also can re-enroll in Flexible Spending Accounts if they wish to participate in the next year. Open Enrollment is normally held during the month of October. All elections made during Open Enrollment are effective January 1 of the new year.

    Q: How do I change my beneficiaries?
    A: Update your beneficiaries online using the UAB for Me portal. You may change your beneficiary at any time. It is your responsibility to ensure your beneficiary designation is up to date. Beneficiary changes for Voluntary Retirement and Voluntary Life must be made directly with the company.

    Q: What dependent documentation is required for coverage?
    A: For Spouse: A copy of your marriage certificate or common law affidavit AND a copy of the front page of your filed federal tax return confirming this dependent as a spouse or documentation dated within the last six months establishing financial interdependence.

    For Children/Incapacitated Dependents: A copy of the child’s birth certificate naming you, your spouse or your sponsored adult dependent as the child's parent or appropriate court order/adoption decree naming you, your spouse or your sponsored adult dependent as the child's legal guardian AND if applicable, a copy of a divorce decree granting full or joint custody OR, if applicable, a copy of a court-issued Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO) or other court order where you or your spouse are required to provide health care.

    For disabled dependents, you must also provide a copy of your most recently filed federal tax return confirming this child as a dependent AND a copy of the Social Security Administration approval for disability benefits. The incapacitation must have commenced prior to the child's reaching age 26 and the child must have been as a Covered Dependent immediately prior to attaining age 26.

  • Facilities


    Q: How do I schedule a conference room in CDIB?
    A: To check availability and reserve a room--Click here.

    Q: How do I get keys/badge access?
    A: Please contact Jamie Harris in the chair’s office. A ONE Card Request Form will need to be completed and signed by Jamie or a member of the chair’s office staff.

    Q: How do I get access to animal facilities?
    A: Please contact Jamie Harris in the chair’s office for the steps necessary to obtain access to animal facilities. Please note that no one in the chair’s office can issue this access, rather access is granted by the Animal Resources Program once all steps have been completed. 

    Q: How do I track orders? 
    A: Must have PO number and/or tracking number from FedEx, UPS or freight company. You can then contact one of the following: Jesse Clark at 205-975-4454 (jessecl@uab.edu) or Kim Allen at 205-975-4454 (florida1@uab.edu).

    Q: What is the contact information for UAB Shipping and Receiving?
    A: 506 10th Street South
    Birmingham, AL 35233
    Phone number: 205-975-4454

    Q: How do I get access to a P-card for AirGas or ordering?
    A: You will first need to complete P-Card holder training in the Campus Learning system. Make sure you login with a Blazer ID. Then complete the BuyUAB Training in Campus Learning. You will then request access through Adobe Sign. For more information about AirGas please go here.

  • Finance and Grant General Information

    Finance and Grant General Information

    Please visit UAB Financial Affairs for financial resources and for any grant related questions please visit UAB's Office of Research Knowledge Base. 

    Q: Who is allowed to submit applications from UAB?

    A: Any UAB faculty member or individual on the research career ladder (Researcher V, Scientist I, etc) who meets the eligibility requirements of the funding announcement is able to submit applications from UAB. Students and postdoctoral fellows may also submit for individual training awards.  Although the trainee is the PI of the application with the sponsor, the mentor is the PI of record at UAB and the application cannot be submitted without the mentor’s consent.

    Q: How do I submit a funding application from UAB?
    A: For submission of all funding applications from UAB, including federal, foundation, industry awards, etc., you will first contact the research admin in the chair’s office (Ashley Davis). She can help guide you through the process at UAB which requires submission of a complete draft application (including draft budget) 5 business days before the due date submitted with an Extramural Checklist (signed by the PI and Chair), and a Responsible Personnel List. The research admin staff will work with you to complete the required documents and liaison with the UAB Office of Sponsored Programs to get your application submitted. More information can be found on the Office for Sponsored Programs website

    For applications being submitted to NIH, it is our preference for the research admin staff to initiate the proposal in ASSIST so that we will have access as the initiator and you will have access as the PI. Final proposals are due to OSP by noon the day before the due date per the proposal due date calculator.

    Please notify the research admin staff of your intentions to submit an application as early as possible. We will work with you to develop your draft budget within UAB’s and the sponsor’s guidelines, and initiate preparation of the proposal.   

    Q: How would my students or postdocs submit applications from UAB?
    A: Everyone submitting a funding application from UAB will follow the same procedure as above, however, being first time submitters, trainees may require more lead time to prepare an application.  Please have your trainees contact the research admin staff in the chair’s office for assistance early on in the application process, well ahead of the deadline. 

    Q: Who is responsible for submission of IACUC, IRB, MTA, CIRB, etc. documents?
    A: Each investigator is responsible for submission of research protocols to IACUC and IRB for review and approval as well as MTA agreements.  All of these may be initiated in IRAP which is the research administration portal in use at UAB.

    Every individual included on the Responsible Personnel List submitted for a funding application must submit a Conflict of Interest Disclosure. In addition to disclosures, investigators must complete the Financial Conflict of Interest training every 4 years. Faculty with external commitments must also submit External Activity Requests for approval via the CIRB home page.

    The research admin staff in the chair’s office can assist with submission of Data Use Agreements and Confidentiality or Non-Disclosure Agreements to the Office of Sponsored Programs for review and execution.

  • Grant Submission Assistance

    Grant Submission Assistance

    Please fill out this form  in order to inform CDIB of your upcoming Application

    Frequently Asked Questions

  • Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Please visit UAB's HR FAQ for a comprehensive list of HR related frequently asked questions. 

    Q: I am a current UAB employee—how do I change my address?

    A: This can be done in Oracle through self-service applications. Go to www.uab.edu/adminsys > Oracle HR/Finance > login with your Blazer ID/password > UAB Self Service Application > personal information > main address > update > save.

    Q: I no longer work at UAB—how do I change my address?
    A: If you are no longer employed with UAB and you need to change the address we have on file for you, you can contact Records Administration and they can make the change for you.

    Q: I am leaving UAB. What do I need to do?
    A: If you are taking a leave of absence or ending your employment at UAB, visit the Leaving UAB page. This will help ensure all necessary requirement have been completed. For example, the Separation Checklist will help ensure you connect with various departments concerning your separation. If you have additional questions, you may contact the Benefits office. On your last day, leave your keys and employee badge with your supervisor or in the chair’s office.

    Q: I am ready to service retire with TRS. What should I do?
    A: Making the decision to service retire with the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) is a big decision. The first step is to speak with TRS to confirm your eligibility date. Eligibility criteria is different for Tier 1 and Tier 2 employees. Please contact the Benefits Office by phone at 205-934-3458, by email at benefits@uab.edu or in person at AB 264.

  • Information Technology

    Information Technology

    Contact CDIB IT Support (now part of DOM IT)

    DOM IT is currently the IT Services provider to CDIB. For all IT, computer, network, and website issues contact:

    DOM IT Support
    Boshell Diabetes Building, BDB-435

  • Leaves/Paid time off

    Leaves/Paid time off

    Q: How do I track my paid time off?
    A: Biweekly staff: The Campus Kronos Timekeeping System is utilized by UAB Campus nonexempt employees to track time worked on a daily basis and document paid non-worked hours (benefit time). Please refer to The Campus Kronos Timekeeping System for more information.

    Monthly staff: e-LAS is designed to provide the UAB community with a methodology for managing/tracking the benefit time accruals and usage for monthly paid employee. For more information refer to e-LAS Electronic Leave Accrual System or the eLAS Training Document.   

    Q: How do I apply for maternity/paternity leave?
    A: An eligible employee can use 12 weeks of FMLA leave for the birth of a child, for prenatal care and incapacity related to pregnancy, and for their own serious health condition following the birth of a child. Employees can also use FMLA leave for the birth of a child and to care for their spouse who is incapacitated (due to pregnancy or child birth). To apply or for more information, please visit the Leaves of Absence website.

    Q: What are my short-term disability options?
    A: UAB does not offer short term disability. You can apply for FMLA or take a department approved personal leave if you are not FMLA eligible. UAB recognizes the importance of supporting faculty and staff as they balance career, home life and personal responsibilities. Follow the links below for information on the various paid and unpaid time off and leaves programs available to UAB employees "click here". For questions not answered, please email leave@uab.edu or contact the HR Records Administration office.

  • Ordering, Paying Invoices, Purchasing

    Ordering, Paying Invoices, Purchasing

    Q: I need to order supplies for my lab. How do I get started?
    A: iProcurement is a web-based form that is used to create Purchase Order Requisitions (PO reqs) in the Oracle HR & Finance Administration System. PO reqs are internal requests for good and services. They are sent electronically from the Preparer (the person who entered the document) to the approvers. Once the requisitions are approved by Central Administration, a Purchase Order Number is generated. Please visit the Financial Affairs website for training on creating PO reqs. 

    Q: How can I get a PO req returned to me if I made a mistake or need to cancel? 
    A: The UAB Document Locator allows users of the Oracle Administrative Systems to locate a document and see its current location in the workflow approval path.

    Q: I’ve been told I need a contract for a PO req I submitted. How do I do this?
    A: The most common need for a contract is when you’re purchasing equipment or the quote you have includes terms and conditions. The Financial Affairs website has a page dedicated to contracts. 

    Q: What if the vendor we want to use isn’t in the system?
    A: Please see the Financial Affairs website and review the vendor availability flowchart. There is also a training video on locating vendors in the Oracle supplier inquiry on this site. 

    Q: We received and invoice and need to pay. How do I do this?
    A: The Oracle Payment Request is used to process payments not handled by an Oracle Purchase Order. This usually means you have an invoice (NOT a quote). Please visit the Financial Affairs website for training on creating payment requests.

    Q: How does our lab get a P-Card?
    A: Please view this document for instructions.

  • Payroll


    Q: I am an hourly employee. How do I record my hours worked?
    A: As part of its efforts to comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act, UAB has implemented the Campus KRONOS Timekeeping System for university-wide recordkeeping of time and attendance, vacation and sick days for all non-exempt employees. Please visit this link for training resources.

    Q: When do I get paid?
    A: Non-exempt employees (hourly) are paid on the biweekly payroll which occurs every other Friday based on the time recorded in the Campus or Hospital Kronos system. Exempt employees (salaried) and trainees are paid on the monthly payroll which occurs on the last working day of each month.

    Q: How am I paid?
    A: All UAB employees are required to use direct deposit. Payroll Services will mail the first check if the banking information has not been provided. The second paycheck is held in Payroll Services until information is provided. Once the information is received, the payment is either mailed to the employee or released to the employee if they are using our self-service computers. Please note: a US bank account is required for direct deposit. 

    Q: How do I get my W-2?
    A: Employees may view their W-2 online utilizing the Self Service menu item in the Administrative Systems. The online W-2 is an official statement that can be used for filing. For questions, please contact Payroll Services at payhelp1@uab.edu or 205-934-4523 option 1.

    Q: How can I get an employment or wage verification?
    A: UAB has transitioned to a new service for employment and wage verification requests for current and former employees. As of March 1, 2019 requests are handled by WAGEverify, an employment and wage verification company that provides immediate access to employment and income data. WAGEverify automates the verification process by instantly and securely delivering employment information that requestors, such as banks or government agencies, rely on to make credit granting or benefit entitlement decisions (mortgages, loans, etc.). 

  • Travel General Information

    Travel General Information

    Q: Can I have an overview of the travel rules for UAB?
    A: The rules regarding travel costs vary depending upon the relationship of the traveler to UAB. Before spending ANY money, you must know your relationship to UAB – employee, student, trainee, volunteer, etc. Though many of the rules are similar, the documentation and procedural requirements are quite different. Please visit the Financial Affairs website for more information. If you are unsure of which travel policies apply to you, please contact Megan Rollins in the chair’s office.

    Q: What are the most important things I need to know before traveling out of state/country?
    Save all receipts for every expense– Itemized receipts are required for anyone requesting reimbursement.
    There are meal limits per day, not a standard per diem – Snacks (including beverages) are not reimbursable unless they were your meal.
    Under no circumstances is UAB allowed to reimburse alcohol – Try to pay for that separately. You must remove the tax % and the tip % of the alcohol amount if you can't. This means you cannot just remove it from the subtotal. 

    Q: Do I have to pay out of pocket for all travel costs?
    A: No. UAB is allowed to pre-pay for registration fees, abstract fees, hotel, and airfare via Pcard. Contact Megan Rollins in the chair’s office for help. Be mindful of conference deadlines and don’t wait until the last minute. Otherwise, these costs could become out of pocket.

    Q: How are out-of-pocket expenses reimbursed to me?
    A: Once you return from your trip, allowable expenses will be reimbursed via Oracle payment request. 

    Q: How do I request a reimbursement?
    A: Email your request and include all documentation to grp-cdib-paymentreqs@uab365.onmicrosoft.com

  • Travel Reimbursement Form

    Travel Reimbursement Form

    1) Download and complete this Form
    2) Proper forms should be filled out and submitted to grp-cdib-paymentreqs@uab365.onmicrosoft.com with all required documentation.

    Your request will be reviewed and processed accordingly.

    Allowable business expenses included, but are not limited to the following:

    1. Dues
    2. Professional memberships
    3. Travel (business purposes only)
    4. Meals (itemized receipt is required)
    5. Office supplies Books Journal subscriptions Publication expenses – must be pre-approved by Department
    6. Equipment (including computers) – must be pre-approved by Department prior to processing
    7. Staff relations (gifts, luncheons, etc.) – must be pre-approved by Department prior to processing
    8. Other- special requests must also be pre-approved by Department prior to processing

    Please Note: Additional documentation may be requested in order to verify an expense, which may cause a delay in reimbursement (approximately 7 business days from date of submission).
    For More information, see UAB Travel Information