Explore UAB

  • Heart disease in black individuals: Two elevated biomarkers distinguish Blacks with resistant hypertension from whites
    Blacks face much greater rates of heart disease than do whites. A wider study is needed to further investigate this racial difference and identify potential therapeutic targets.
  • $100 million in contributions to transform UAB School of Medicine
    Record $95 million Heersink lead gift to advance strategic growth and biomedical innovation.
  • First 3-D view of TB granulomas alters paradigm of their shape and formation
    MicroCT of infected human lung tissue, along with histology and immunohistochemistry, was used to construct images of TB granulomas, airways and vasculature.
  • Hydrogen sulfide heightens disease in tuberculosis, suggesting a new therapeutic target
    The tuberculosis bacteria induce increased hydrogen sulfide production by human macrophages, which increases pathogenesis.
  • Enzyme inhibitor combined with chemotherapy delays glioblastoma growth
    This combination therapy, tested preclinically, could potentially improve patient outcomes.