Allendorfer Lab - Department of Neurology
Baird, Jessica - Department of Physical Therapy
Bolding Lab - Departments of Radiology, Neurobiology, and Vision Science
Bredel, Markus - Department of Radiation Oncology
Gamlin Lab - Department of Opthamology
Gerstenecker, Adam - Department of Neurology
Gower, Barbara - Department of Nutrition Sciences
Kana Lab - Department of Psychology
Kharlampieva, Eugenia - Department of Chemistry
Knight Lab - Department of Psychology
Lahti Lab - Department of Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology
Lee Lab - Department of Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology
Lin, Chen - Department of Neurology
McDonough Lab - Department of Psychology
Mishra Lab - Department of Radiology
Peterson, Courtney - Department of Nutrition Sciences
Sandroff, Brian - Department of Physical Therapy
Sorge Lab - Department of Psychology
Szaflarski Lab - Department of Neurology
Taub Lab - Department of Psychology
VerHoef, Larry - Department of Neurology
Visscher Lab - Department of Neurobiology
Younger Lab - Department of Psychology
If you are a researcher using our lab and you are not included in this list, please let us know.