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Information Sheet


TITLE OF RESEARCH:       Optimization of Hyperlipidemia Management among Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis:  Physician Nominal Groups

IRB PROTOCOL:                  IRB-170615009

INVESTIGATOR:                 Ronan O’Beirne

SPONSORS:                          National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Skin (NIAMS) Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM).

We are asking you, as a rheumatologist or primary care physician who treats rheumatoid arthritis (RA), to take part in a research study. We would like your opinions about some of the challenges you may face when screening for and managing hyperlipidemia among your patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

People who enter into the study will participate in a single, structured online conference call session. Participants will be asked to log-on to a website and call in to a conference line at the same time. The session will last approximately 90 minutes.  This study will enroll about 50 rheumatologists and/or primary care physicians who treat RA, as participants.

If you agree to participate, you will be one of up to 8 participants in a single structured online conference call session.   You will be asked to log on to a website and call in to a conference call at the same time. The goal of the discussion will be to identify some of the challenges you may face when screening for and managing hyperlipidemia among your patients with RA. Everyone in the group will be invited to offer their opinions. You do not have to offer any opinions that you do not want to offer. This group discussion will take about 90 minutes.  You will be asked to rank the items on a list in order of importance. The full conference call will be recorded. No names or any other information that could identify you will be put in a written record. The written reports from the discussions will be used for research purposes.

The total length of our study will be one year.  However, if you enter into the study, your commitment is to participate in a single session lasting approximately 90 minutes.  

Participation in this study involves a group discussion and a discussion with a study staff member. There is a small risk of loss of confidentiality.

You may not benefit directly from taking part in this study. However, this study may aid in the development of effective strategies to increase the screening for and management of cardiovascular risk factors such as hyperlipidemia in RA patients.

The alternative is not to participate in this study.

Information obtained about you for this study will be kept confidential to the extent allowed by law. However, research information that identifies you may be shared with the UAB Institutional Review Board (IRB) and others who are responsible for ensuring compliance with laws and regulations related to research, including people on behalf of the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP).

The information from the research may be published for scientific purposes; however, your identity will not be given out.  The group discussions will be audio recorded. The content of the recording will be transcribed and coded so that no personally identifying information is visible on the transcription. The recordings will be kept in a secure place, a locked cabinet in a locked office suite at UAB until they are transcribed. The recordings will be erased after they are transcribed.

Whether or not you take part in this study is your choice. There will be no penalty if you decide not to be in the study. If you decide not to be in the study, you will not lose any benefits you are otherwise owed. You are free to withdraw from this research study at any time. Your choice to leave the study will not affect your relationship with this institution.

If you are a UAB employee, taking part in this research is not a part of your UAB duties.  You can refuse to enroll, or withdraw after enrolling at any time before the study is over, with no effect on your job at UAB. You will not be offered or receive any special consideration if you take part in this research.

There will be no cost to you for taking part in this study.

You will receive payment of $200 for participating in the nominal group session. Payment will be in the form of a check that will be mailed to you after the session.

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about the research or a research-related injury including available treatments, you may contact Dr. Ronan O’Beirne. He will be glad to answer any questions. Dr. O’Beirne’s number is 205-975-4735.

If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, or concerns or complaints about the research, you may contact the UAB Office of the IRB (OIRB) at (205) 934-3789 or toll free at 1-855-860-3789. Regular hours for the OIRB are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday.

You are not waiving any of your legal rights by participating in this study.