Explore UAB

The COERE provides a range of enrichment programs to meet the needs of outcomes research investigators spanning the career arc. The GRIT and CARES at UAB programs use a cohort model to build community and facilitate the preparation of competitive extramural grants and acquisition of leadership and team science skills, respectively. DRIVEN seeks to cultivate a community of interdisciplinary clinical and translational investigators and promote their individual and collective professional development, recognition, and advancement to foster an inclusive, equitable and diverse research workforce. GEARs is a dynamic monthly session to discuss and present new, evolving, or upcoming and planned projects or proposals within and adjacent to the COERE. The annual COERE Methods Symposium highlights an area of topical methodological interest in the field, capped by the Kilgore Memorial Lectureship keynote address. The Office of Research Synthesis provides consultative advice, training, and support for researchers at all levels interested in conducting literature reviews, systematic reviews, and/or meta-analyses.