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Chair's Office

Elewski uab dermatologyBoni E. Elewski, M.D.

James E. Elder, MD Endowed Professor for Graduate Education
Department Chair 

Vice Chairs & Directors

Mohammad Athar, Ph.D.

Mohammad Athar, Ph.D.

Vice-Chair for Basic Research

Carly Elston, M.D.

Carly Elston, M.D.

Assistant Director, Dermatology Residency Program

Lauren Graham, M.D., Ph.D.

Lauren Graham, M.D., Ph.D.

Vice Chair, Clinical Affairs
Ambulatory Medical and Quality Officer 

Conway Huang, M.D.

Conway Huang, M.D.

Director, Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology (MSDO) Fellowship Program

Lauren Kole, M.D.

Lauren Kole, M.D.

Director, Dermatology Residency Program 

Tiffany Mayo, M.D.

Tiffany Mayo, M.D.

Director, Clinical Research Unit

Patricia Mercado, M.D.

Patricia Mercado, M.D.

Chief, Dermatology Division, Birmingham Veterans Administration Medical Center

Peter Pavlidakey, M.D.

Peter Pavlidakey, M.D.

Director, Dermatopathology Service
Director, Dermatopathology Fellowship Program