Help shape the next generation of family medicine physicians by giving back to the profession you love.
As a preceptor for UAB medical students, you will contribute to the training of the next generation of physicians. Your participation will enable third-year medical students to learn from your clinical practice and empower them to use skills learned in the classroom while caring for patients in the community. Being a UAB preceptor also gives you access to a wealth of resources that will enable you to become a better provider and lead a more effective practice.
Who can be a preceptor?
Any licensed, board-certified family medicine practitioner in the state of Alabama can be a preceptor for our students. There are some restrictions on preceptors that may apply to you depending on location and time you are able to commit to having students.
Where are UAB's Family Medicine preceptors located?
What is required of a preceptor each year?
There are no formal requirements for preceptors, but each clerkship requires that the student spend a total of 32 half days (four hour shifts) in clinic. The students are allotted one half day for study each week as well as the Thursday before their NBME Shelf exam. We encourage each preceptor to take at least one student per year.
Will my staff be involved in this process?
If you wish to designate scheduling and other logistical responsibilities to a staff member, that is completely fine. Our team does ask that you designate an office contact so that we can keep all communication streamlined and organized.
Will I be paid as a preceptor?
We are currently unable to offer monetary compensation for preceptors, but there are several benefits that preceptors can access during their volunteer faculty appointment. You will also have the opportunity to earn 20 credits of CME through the AAFP throughout your year of direct teaching of medical students. Click here for a full list of benefits.Alabama legislature approved the Alabama Preceptor Tax Incentive Program (APTIP) in 2023. It offers a tax deduction to uncompensated health care profession preceptors in our state. The goal is to increase medical student training in rural and underserved Alabama counties. Alabama Statewide AHEC Program Office administers APTIP. Per calendar year, it provides a $500 income tax credit incentive for each, 160-hour, clinical preceptorship rotation (max. $6,000 per calendar year) for what would otherwise be unpaid work. Register here.
How do I start?
To become a preceptor, fill out the information survey online or email Adrienne Baltscheit ( Once we have processed your information, you will be asked to send the following documents to our office:
- Official medical school transcript (must be mailed directly or emailed from medical school)
- Information form (can be filled and submitted electronically via email or mailed)
- Your current CV
Meet the Team

Sameera Davuluri, M.D.
Family Medicine Clerkship Director

Crystal Odom
Program Manager

Matt Smith, MPA
Program Manager, Community Outreach