Explore UAB

Undergraduate students and Interns:

Candidates interested in learning about mitochondria biology using genetic, biochemical, and microscopy tools are encouraged to email their CV (with a cover letter) including contact information of 3 references to: kasturi@uab.edu

Graduate Students:

Open. Please visit : http://www.uab.edu/gbs/home/

Postdoctoral Candidates:

A full-time postdoctoral position is available in the Mito-Lab, Department of Genetics, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama, USA.  The candidate will examine:  a) if and how mitochondrial structural changes (due to fission and fusion events) impact mitochondrial functions, specifically energy production, in real time; b) the role of mitochondrial fission and fusion molecules in carcinogenesis.  The project will majorly involve advanced high resolution live cell confocal microscopy.  The postdoctoral position is offered for 2 to 5 years depending on the productivity of the candidate.

The well-motivated candidate is required to have basic microscopy training and good communication skills. Preference will be given to candidates who have an interest in mitochondrial biology and have demonstrated their ability to work independently.
Interested candidates are encouraged to email their CV (with a cover letter) including contact information of 3 references to: kasturi@uab.edu