The TGEMs Core is a centralized facility for the efficient production of genetically modified animal models for UAB investigators. Genetically engineered models (mice, rats and zebrafish) are produced by trained professionals at high standards of quality and with excellent efficiency. For the investigator, this approach means availability of highly specialized services at a reasonable cost. The UAB Transgenic & Genetically Engineered Models Core is supported by the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center, the UAB Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases Center, and by cost-recovery fees.
The UAB Transgenic & Genetically Engineered Models Core has completed approximately 1,200 DNA or ES cell microinjection projects since its establishment on June 1, 1991. This includes more than 900 projects for UAB investigators and an additional 300 projects for outside investigators as part of an expired NIH-funded national project. The UAB TGEMS Core is located in the Kaul Human Genetics Building, Room 612.