Our researchers are internationally known for research spanning basic science to translational research
The UAB Division of Infectious Diseases is internationally recognized for fostering an interdisciplinary research environment that relies on strong relationships between investigators in the basic sciences, clinical research, bioinformatics, and outcomes research. These interactions create opportunities for discovery and implementation science aimed at advancing the prevention and management of infectious diseases. As of Spring 2017, the Division has an active research portfolio totaling approximately $39 million in external research funding.
Research Specialties
- Pathogenesis of viral infections, especially human papillomaviruses, herpes simplex, varicella zoster and retroviruses (with emphasis on HIV envelope proteins and structural and functional determinants of cytopathicity)
- Basic and clinical problems in patients with HIV including natural history, investigational therapy of HIV disease and its complications, and mechanisms of HIV resistance
- Implementational science aimed at improving the HIV care continuum in the Deep South
- Epidemiology, pathogenesis and therapy of sexually transmitted diseases
- Antiviral therapy (HSV, VZV and CMV)
- Epidemiology, natural history and therapy of systemic mycoses
- Host defenses and infectious diseases in immunocompromised patients
- Vaccine research clinic for clinical testing and laboratory evaluations of candidate HIV vaccines, VZV and HPV vaccines, and influenza vaccine
- Travel medicine and international health
- Integrated malaria control, medical entymology
- Outcomes research in ID, especially in infection control and antimictrobial stewardship