Explore UAB

The UAB Flow Cytometry and Single Cell Core is hosting the first installment of “Spatial Day” workshops on Tuesday, October 8th . Join us in the morning for an introduction to the design and applications of the Lunaphore COMET Hyperplex Spatial Proteomics platform and Horizon Viewer and Analysis software. In the afternoon, we will go over an advanced image analysis using the Visiopharm Oncotopix Analysis suite and review UAB tools and pipelines put in place for data transfer and management of large image files.

Spatial Day Flyer 2024 09 25rs2 Page 1


Spatial Day schedule
Time Topic Speaker
8:00 - 8:25 The Way I Use It: COMET Gelare Ghajar-Rahimi, Ph.D. - MSTP
8:25 - 9:20 Introduction to COMET Emily Holt, Ph.D. and Tawnie Cordes 
9:20 - 9:40 Break
9:40 - 10:35 COMET Applications Emily Holt, Ph.D. and Tawnie Cordes 
10:35 - 10:55 How to Access COMET and Visiopharm at UAB Harish Pal
10:55 - 11:15 Large Data Storage, Transfer, Computing at UAB William Warriner, PhD.
11:15 - 11:30 RFA Announcement   Troy Randall, Ph.D.
11:30 - 12:10 Break and Lunch Box   
12:10-12:35 The Way I Use It  Julienne L Carstens, Ph.D.   
12:35-13:30 Introduction to Image Analysis and quantification: Visiopharm  Brit Boehmer, Ph.D. and Kyle Kisel 
13:30-13:50 Break
13:50-14:45 Visiopharm Applications Demos  Brit Boehmer, Ph.D. and Kyle Kisel
14:45-15:00 Break - move to WTI 231 for Round Tables and Q&A
15:00-16:00  WTI 231 Q&A and Round Tables