Explore UAB

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed challenges to socially distant in-person educational conferences. Our program has adapted to this challenge by delivering our full slate of conferences virtually. Instructors have acquired significant experience in virtual education and continue to deliver meaningful, clinically relevant material.

Noon Conferences

Noon Conference


Monday and Friday

Aim to give residents the medical knowledge needed for the practice of hospital and outpatient medicine.

Tuesday General Medicine Noon Conference

The division of general medicine presents each Tuesday. Conference topics include: updates on major diseases, common clinic topics, clinical problem solving (CPS), Clinical Pathology Conference (CPC), High Value Care, Patient Safety, Ethics, and Gray-zone debates.

Wednesday Medicine Grand Rounds

Speakers from across the country as well as local speakers present each Wednesday at medicine grand rounds

Thursday Subspecialty & Interest Group Meetings

Medicine interest groups hold monthly meetings at noon. In addition, the subspecialty divisions hold their weekly grand rounds on Thursdays. So whether you’re interested in cardiology or geriatrics, GI or pulmonary or any other subspecialty, you can hear the latest updates and research presented each Thursday.

Morning Reports

Ambulatory Morning Report

Residents on consult and outpatient rotations attend ambulatory morning report from 8-9AM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. A resident presents a patient they have seen in clinic to a general medicine faculty who leads a discussion on diagnosis and management. The resident then presents a short summary of key learning points from the case. During the second half of the hour, the faculty member teaches a common clinic topic.

ambulatory morning report


Inpatient Morning Report

Residents on UAB general Medicine and Subspecialty wards attend each day of the week (except Wednesdays) from 8-9AM.  A resident presents a case to a faculty member who leads a discussion on diagnosis and management. The resident then presents a short summary of key learning points from the case.inpatient morning report


Patient Safety/Journal Club/Ethics Morning Report

Faculty with expertise in patient safety, evidence based medicine, and medical ethics lead this morning report each Thursday from 8-9AM. Residents on consult and outpatient rotations attend.

Tinsley Harrison Morning Report

Residents on UAB general medicine wards attend this conference each Wednesday from 8-9AM. General medicine faculty and subspecialty fellows and faculty also attend. A resident presents a case with a diagnostic or management dilemma and the faculty discuss their thoughts and how they would approach care of the patient. The conference concludes with a chief medical resident discussing key learning points from the case.

VA Morning Report

Residents on VA wards attend this conference each day from 10-11AM. Morning Report topics include resident case presentations, discussions on subspecialty topics (Chest Xray, Acid-Base, GI bleed, LFTs) and Pillars of Practice (discussions of major articles that have widely influence medical practice).