Jonathan Dismukes, rising MS3 and MBA candidate, is a former co-director of the Senior Companionship Program (SCP) in the Office of Service Learning. He helped ramp-up the program over the past year, and pivoted to meet the needs of those the program serves.

Selwyn M. Vickers, M.D., FACS, dean of the School of Medicine and senior vice president for Medicine, has been named president of the American Surgical Association.

Black/African American women are three times as likely to die in childbirth as white women. Maternal mortality builds upon other gaping disparities, like pre-existing conditions, social determinants of health, and access to care.

Alan Tita, M.D., Ph.D., has been named associate dean for Global and Women’s Health at the UAB School of Medicine.

In the latest episode, Corey Duke, Ph.D., MS3 in the MSTP program and Independent Student Analysis lead, interviews Toni Leeth, MPH, associate dean for Strategic Planning and Administration and executive administrator for Medical Education, on strategic planning and quality improvement. They discuss the Medical Education Strategic Planning Summit that took place in March.

UAB students Tanya Correya and Matthew Hudson, MS1s, were recently selected for the prestigious Albert Schweitzer Fellowship.

Health Equity Scholars is a competitive three-year program designed to develop physician leaders with the knowledge and skills to promote health equity for medically underserved communities.  

Corey Duke, Ph.D., MS3 in the MSTP program and Independent Student Analysis lead, interviews Toni Leeth, MPH, associate dean for Strategic Planning and Administration and executive administrator for Medical Education, on strategic planning and quality improvement.
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