Biomedical Engineering has ranked 7th in NIH funding for 2020.

Microbiology has ranked 8th in NIH funding for 2020.

OB/GYN has ranked 10th in NIH funding for 2020.

For Kidney Health Awareness Month and World Kidney Day, Anupam Agarwal, M.D., executive vice dean in the School of Medicine, shares how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted those living with kidney disease, how to take preventive measures for kidney health, and why nephrology is meaningful to him personally.

For Women’s History Month this year, the School of Medicine is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments, achievements, and successes of women over time. For Part 2, we focus on women currently making history in the mission area of teaching.

For Women’s History Month this year, the School of Medicine is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments, achievements, and successes of women over time. To begin our series, we focus on two women who made history within the school.

The School of Medicine will celebrate Match Day 2021 virtually on Friday, March 19.

Jayme Locke, M.D., MPH, and Michal Mrug, M.D., have been awarded the AMC21 2020/21 Multi-PI grants for projects that will develop advancements in scientific discovery and accelerate biomedical research at UAB.

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