For Women’s History Month this year, the School of Medicine is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments, achievements, and successes of women over time. For Part 4, we focus on women currently making history in administration, diversity, and outreach.

Experts across the School of Medicine and the UAB Medicine Office of Wellness discuss mental health during the pandemic and give their best advice on maintaining mental and emotional well-being as we look toward the future.

Irfan M. Asif, M.D., has been named associate dean for Primary Care and Rural Health at the UAB School of Medicine.

For Women’s History Month this year, the School of Medicine is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments, achievements, and successes of women over time. For Part 3, we focus on women currently making history in the mission areas of research and clinical.

In the latest episode of our ongoing series, hear from Todd Peterson, M.D., assistant dean for Students, on the role career advisors play in the School of Medicine and how they're looking to prepare students with the coming changes to Step 1.

UAB received over $325 million in research funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2020.

Dermatology has ranked 2nd in NIH funding for 2020.

CDIB has ranked 6th in NIH funding for 2020.

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