It is with great excitement that we announce a new upcoming mailing featuring resources for women faculty and staff.
Philip Rosen, M.D., a fourth-year resident in the Department of Otolaryngology, won first place in the American Head and Neck Society’s poster contest at the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM).

Do-Yeon Cho, M.D., M.S., assistant professor and director of Otolaryngology Research in the Department of Otolaryngology, recently received two awards to support his research.

Four UAB School of Medicine students recently completed their year as Alabama Schweitzer Fellows, working to address unmet health needs through community-based projects.

The Office for Diversity and Inclusion, Student Affairs (ODI-SA) is seeking mentors for its PRIMe Mentoring program. PRIMe Mentoring is a series of Career Advising Dinners for Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) medical students, staff, and faculty.
Alana Nichols, J.D., MS4, was recently selected as a Selected Professions Fellow by the American Association of University Women (AAUW).
The third edition of the spring Dine with the Docs event, featuring student-selected faculty guests, hit its stride this year. The MAA hosted eight faculty and 40 students in varying years of medical school.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently announced the appointment of Stacy Vasquez as the new director of the Birmingham VA Medical Center. Vasquez will oversee the delivery of health care to more than 67,000 Veterans.
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