Eighteen outstanding faculty members were named recipients of the 2019 Dean’s Excellence Awards, an honor recognizing exceptional contributions made by School of Medicine faculty in service, teaching, research, diversity enhancement and mentorship.
John Kearney, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Microbiology, is a senior faculty winner of the Dean's Excellence Award in Research.
Chad Petit, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, is a junior faculty winner of the Dean's Excellence Award in Service.
The Orientation Leaders (OLs) have been selected! They will be working hard to make sure your orientation is fun, informative, and welcoming! We will introduce the entire group through the next few Vital Signs so you can get to know them before Orientation in July.
Trying to decide where to live in Birmingham? Read the pros and cons of different neighborhoods from your future classmates
Hear from Isabella Mak, UAB School of Medicine student. With her first year of medical school under her belt, she and her peers provide guidance as to what you should do before diving into medical school at UAB
Four students from the UAB School of Medicine were named in the 2019-20 class of Alabama Schweitzer Fellows, a group of graduate students across the state who will spend the next year implementing service projects designed to address social factors that impact health.

The University-Wide Interdisciplinary Research Center (UWIRC) Program is recognized as one of UAB’s signature programs. The Program promotes outstanding interdisciplinary research across the spectrum of science and scholarship enhancing the development of partnerships across departments and schools. 

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