The School of Medicine will celebrate Match Day 2019 on Friday, March 15, at the Alys Stephens Performing Arts Center. Members of the 2019 graduating class will learn which medical specialties they have “matched” into and where they will carry out their residency trainings.
Juhan Paiste, M.D., MBA, CPE, has been appointed to the newly created position of executive vice chair for Operations and Integration in the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine.
Andre Ballesteros-Tato, PhD, assistant professor in the Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, is one of two junior faculty members to win the Dean's Excellence Award in Research.
We asked the 1st Year Executive Committee their thoughts on 1.) becoming a physician, 2.) Birmingham, and 3.) the UAB School of Medicine. Here’s what they had to say:
The School of Medicine’s Office for Diversity and Inclusion hosted its third annual Diversity Fair Jan. 25, 2019 in the atrium of North Pavilion. Hundreds of guests attended and enjoyed wandering among the booths to sample cuisines while listening to the sound of international music.
Save the date for the upcoming Leadership in Academic Medicine Lecture in Margaret Cameron Spain Auditorium Wednesday, Feb. 27 from 8-9:30 a.m. Marna Borgstrom, MPH, president and CEO of both the Yale New Haven Hospital and Yale New Haven Health System, will be the guest lecturer. Her talk title is “Driving Value in the Yale New Haven Health System.”

Students from the UAB School of Medicine will drop their books to hit the stage Friday, Feb. 22, at the historic Lyric Theatre for The Best Medicine Show, an annual philanthropic event highlighting the students’ creative sides with short digital films, live sketches, music and dance.

Benjamin Wei, M.D., associate professor in the Department of Surgery, is one of two junior faculty members to win the Dean's Excellence Award in Service.
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