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Specialty StoriesIt often feels like one of the biggest decisions a medical student has to make. What type of medicine do I want to practice? The answer to this question will influence the next several years of schooling, residency, and fellowship.

Luckily new channels of information, like podcasts, are helping students choose the right path.

Specialty Stories is a podcast in conjunction with the Medical School Headquarters that speaks with specialists in all walks of medicine and surgery to provide information to medical students on what to expect in that field.

Last month, Dr. Philip Ashley was a guest on the Specialty Stories podcast and discussed pediatric orthopaedic surgery. The podcast episode covers how Ashley became interested in this field of surgery, what traits lead to becoming a pediatric orthopaedic surgeon, and what a typical day might look like.

To listen to Dr. Ashley’s podcast episode, search Specialty Stories where you listen to podcasts or click here