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Resident TraineesUAB TraineesUAB Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Assistant Professor Michael Johnson, M.D., co-authored “Impact of COVID-19 on away rotations in surgical fields,” published in the Journal of Surgical Research.

Other UAB authors included Department of Surgery Assistant Professor and Incoming Director of the General Surgery Residency Program Britney Corey, M.D., FACS, as well as Division of Plastic Surgery Professor and Associate Program Director of the Plastic Surgery Residency Program Timothy King, M.D., Ph.D., MSBE, Department of Otolaryngology Assistant Professor and Residency Program Director Benjamin Greene, M.D., Department of Urology Associate Professor Soroush Rais-Bahrami, M.D., and medical student Carter Boyd, BS.

The article focused on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical education, specifically away rotations, providing recommendations for surgical subspecialty programs and applicants in order to have the best outcome during this upcoming application cycle. The article emphasized the importance of having universal policies across all subspecialties in order to provide equitable opportunities while minimizing potential biases or disadvantages based on geographic location or availability of a program at an applicant’s home institution.

The Journal of Surgical Research publishes original articles concerned with clinical and laboratory investigations relevant to surgical practice and teaching. It is the official journal of both the Association for Academic Surgery and the Society of Asian Academic Surgeons.