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Mr. Clisby JonesLast month, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Staff Assistant Clisby Jones (CJ), was named a Gold Human of UAB by the Gold Humanism Honor Society- UAB Chapter.

CJ wrote in his feature by Gold Humans of UAB, “I am a staff assistant for the Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery. My job requires me to cover the administrative offices at the Orthopedic Specialties Building, pediatric orthopedics and sports medicine at Children’s Of Alabama and Highlands, orthopaedic trauma at The Kirklin Clinic and the orthopaedic work room on the 9th floor of North Pavilion.

I am from Birmingham, spent 4 years in the US Air Force joining to see the world, but ending up just seeing Texas and South Carolina. I have been at UAB 32 years (this is my second time here, first I spent 5 years with Rheumatology). I get to interact with people campus wide and I have done many different jobs. From video taping orthopaedic surgeries, working in and around research labs, and interacting with residents and med students and enjoying every minute of it.

I have on a daily basis found myself assisting lost patients and their family members wondering around here at UAB, and instead of just pointing in the direction, I will walk with them to where they need to be. I've heard a lot of great things and a few not great things about the time they've spent at UAB, the wait times, their procedures and worst of all finding parking, so I try to be one of the good things.

All of UAB's personnel are my co-workers, from one end of the campus to the other. When we pass each other daily, we may not know each other's name but we instantly recognize each other in spite of wearing masks, we say high, bump elbows and continue on our way. What can people do to be in solidarity with one another? Be kind and just say hello!”

Steven Theiss, M.D., John D. Sherrill Chair of Orthopaedic Surgery, is not surprised by CJ’s designation.

“CJ is a wonderful example of the values of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,” said Theiss. “Every day, he strives to take the best care of our patients that he can while also being a compassionate coworker to those around him. We are glad CJ calls UAB Ortho home.”

The Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) recognizes students, residents and faculty who are exemplars of compassionate patient care and who serve as role models, mentors, and leaders in medicine. Nationally, the GHHS now has more than 150 chapters in medical schools and residency programs. More than 30,000 medical students, physicians, and other leaders have been inducted and serve as role models of the human connection in healthcare.